Tell us about your weird phobias...

That's normal. I know it must be because I do it too!! LOL!! I do it walking too. If my left foot hits crack in the sidewalk or a lump or whatever, my right foot has to hit something similar just as many times. It is necessary to maintain balance in the universe. Oh, and not only do the m&m's have to be even numbers for every color to make the same for left and right chewing, but they should be m side up.

So true with the feet, stepping, bumping, EVERYTHING....I so do that as well....I even have this weird weird weird thing....One time I bumped my tooth on the beer bottle when I was going to take a drink(on the left side), well I had to secretly let my right tooth get bumped a little later on, just so it would stop bugging me...I was only on my first beer too, so it wasn't a stupid drunk thing....

Are we sisters? I thought I was the only one in the world that had to do everything even with the left and right.
The same thing happened to me! Except with a horse fly.. hate horse flies and wasps.. I had a wasp land on my head once in the garage.. ughbleh. I used to be really scared of bees, but now I'm not really, I've learned to respect them and how important they are, even though I'm deathly allergic. Well. as long as they don't go outta their way to get me...
So true with the feet, stepping, bumping, EVERYTHING....I so do that as well....I even have this weird weird weird thing....One time I bumped my tooth on the beer bottle when I was going to take a drink(on the left side), well I had to secretly let my right tooth get bumped a little later on, just so it would stop bugging me...I was only on my first beer too, so it wasn't a stupid drunk thing....

Are we sisters? I thought I was the only one in the world that had to do everything even with the left and right.

HAHAHAAHAHA maybe we are each others 'twin' are you left handed by chance??? I am.....
Run-A-Muck Ranch wrote: I will have an anxiety/panic attack if I can not move my toes...Specially in teh winter...If I have shoes on and I can't move/feel my toes (need to beable to move them apart) I litterally start having anxiety/panic attacks, will start sweating like theres no tomorrow and need to get my shoes off instantly...It's HORRIBLE in the car in the winter....

Its funny you say that because I am the same way...I always say they are suffocating and cant breathe my toes need to breathe. My DH thinks I'm nuts
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We were driving once when a bee flew in the window, and the lady driving flipped out, took her hands off the wheel and flayed them while screaming bloody murder. We all lived, but I still have a small fear of driving with her...
I swear i'm not obsessive compulsive, but there are a few things that really bug me.

I cannot start writing something on a creased piece of paper. It makes me crazy if a paperback book has the corners squashed too. It really drives me mad if I lend somebody a book and it comes back creased or squished.

If i'm eating fast food I have to eat all of my fries first.

And I don't like my food touching on a plate. Everything has to be in its place and eaten by itself.

I wish I didnt have any. Here are a few of mine.

Im afraid of the ocean and lakes
Iim afraid of heights and falling
Im afraid that someone is spying on me. I look in vents under beds, etc. to make sure there is no camera's, I make sure the blinds and curtains are closed so no one can peek in my windows.
When I go out Im afraid people are going to look at me
Im afraid of bugs
Im afraid of Germs, thank goodness for clorox.
Im afraid of touching people's feet, cant do it, even my kids.
Im afraid of crowds
Im afraid something bad happening if I go somewhere
Im afraid of leaving the house sometimes
Im afraid of getting hurt
Im clastrophobic
Im afraid of flying
Im scared of zombies
Im afraid to travel
Cant sleep facing away from the edge of the bed. Have to face it so no one can sneak up on me.

Ohhhh I better stop, you all are going to think Im nuts, after reading this I think Im nuts
Are we sisters? I thought I was the only one in the world that had to do everything even with the left and right.

HAHAHAAHAHA maybe we are each others 'twin' are you left handed by chance??? I am.....

Yes, but they taught me to do everything with my right hand when I was little, so I am ambidextrious.
Strange phobias huh!!!!

after reading all the posts one this thread I now feel confident I can stop visiting my thereapist.... I am not so wierd after all!!!!

I used to have a phobia of dirt... like bacteria... But I will attribute that to the fact that I took a microbiology class in college and bacteria are EVERYWHERE!!!!! it has taken a long time to get to the point I dont have to wash my hands EVERY 20 minutes (that was too long back them I had to wash way to frequently)

I dont necessarily call this a phobia but I cant stand dirty dishes..... it drives me NUTS!!!!
*CLOWNS (and any person in a animal suit)- was chased by a man in a rabbit suit-- hmm maybe that's why

*Syrofoam (only if it's touched or squeaked----like finger nails on a chalk board to me)---All the hair on my arms stand on and and i HAVE to grind my teeth and flick my mom dies laughing watching me lol!
*DRY HANDS---I have an anxiety attack if my hands are dry
*PEOPLES FEET TOUCHING MY FEET OR ME ANYWHERE>>> I HATE IT----I left my friends house one day because she thought i twas funny to keep putting her feet on me...I flipped out and left. Atnight if hubbies feet bump mine, i almost jump straight up out of bed and have to rub my foot and slap it even to get the weird feeling of feet touching my feet away! LOL!

I thnk that's it
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