Tell us about your weird phobias...

Seeing all these phobias of moths made me think of something that happened around here a few years ago. Something was off and the whole town had an overpopulation of moths. At times you could see thousands swarming outside, vacuum the dead ones up daily inside the house, cover your ears/nose and keep your mouth closed when you went outside, etc. It was like a plague out of the Bible. Good times lol
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Gypsy moth caterpillars-how could I forget???? We get infestations of those every 7 years or something. You can hear them eating the leaves of the trees and their poop falling sounds like rain. Disgusting!!!! I remember driving to the beach with friends in high school. We were in my friend Kathy's big old convertible and they were dropping on us from the trees. Ew! I still remember and that would have been 1981!
Same here I can't go into a lake because when I was younger I saw the movie JAWS and it took me 5 years to realize that there wouldn't be any sharks in the lake and the day I went into a lake after 5 years I couldn't see anything I was just sort of standing there and my dad pulled my leg from underneath the water I got so scared I started to cry
but I was nine back then now I just don't go in at all sometimes I do though when I see everyone having more fun than I am. Also rollercoasters I can go on some of them but when I see a super huge one I freak I was once dared to go on one called the Titan when it was my turn I told the guy I didn't want to go anymore and I went to hide from my friends
its not really the hieght that scares me but the drop.
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i am completely terrified of fish bigger than like, bluegills. I will happily catch them and cook them or let them off the hook, but swimming while they're right there, or knowing that there's a big fish in the water, yikes, my heart rate goes up just thinking about it! it's weird, cuz i've grown up in the lake, but i can't swim in deep water without inwardly freaking out.
I have a few that some of you mentioned.
I can't swim in water that I can't see through and stepping on the bottom of a lake really freaks me out.
Falling down stairs.
I get really panicky & shaky driving, especially on the freeway.
I am paranoid that everyone is watching every move I make if I have to sit in the front row of a classroom.
Can't cover my face with anything or I think I can't breathe.
Am really compulsive about not letting any of my food touch on my plate.
I'm just a normal freak.
Right there with you! Told my husband whe we first married that he had a choice. He kills any spider that gets into the house or he patches the bullet holes. I was not joking when I told him that I would simply shoot the 8 legged wee beasties right off the walls. I make my living with animals....always have. If it creeps , crawls or slithers I have owned it , sold it , bred it , or dated it (lol had some bad dates in the past) but spiders skitter when they move and that un-nerves me in a way I cant explain or control. I leave them alone if they are outside but if they make the mistake of crossing my threshhold its DEATH HUNT;)

If skittering bothers you what about crabs? Those things freak me out the way they move in quick, skittering, sideways steps!

No crabs dont scare me unless its what they charge for them at the store:) Dont know why they dont trigger me like spiders do....weird isnt it what gets to us:/
Me, too! I HATE feet. Hate! I especially hate it if someone's feet touch my feet. It totally grosses me out. If my husband's feet touch me at night, I literally jump out of bed.
To the poster who mentioned not wanting to ride the Titan: you're NUTS! You're missing out. When I go to Six Flags, I'm content riding the Titan & Mr. Freeze the whole time I'm there. Those two coasters are BEAST.

I'm the same way with the left & right thing.
I pretty much refuse to shower with the lights on, for fear someone's watching me.
I'll run & JUMP into my bed, due to the ankle thing.
I won't sleep with my closet door open.
I won't sleep with my legs/arms hanging off of the bed.
I can't sleep without covers. If it's one hundred and twenty degrees outside, I HAVE to have at least two blankets.
I'm also paranoid there are camera's & what not everywhere...especially when someone gives me a gift. I'm afraid there's tiny cameras or microphones on them somewhere and they're spying on me.
I often feel like people are following me.
I hate eating in front of people, so restraunts are a nightmare for me. That derives from former ED's, though.
Venomous things.
The sound of a wet sponge over a heating element on the stove/in the oven. Makes me cringe thinking about it.
Brushing with a dry toothbrush.
Cold, wet rags, or towels. Like, dish rags that have been sitting there.
Dish rags in general.
I hate the stuff that gets stuck in the bottom of the sink.
Greasy dishes.

Stuff like that. I'm going to stop typing before you all think I'm insane and belong in the looney bin.

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