Tell us about your weird phobias...

Way too much fun reading this. Gotta say I don't have any phobias anymore. When I was a kid I was afraid of the bathroom without the lights being on(mostly after watching Dark Shadows).
And I used to not like spiders. Once saw one in the silverware drawer, I shut the drawer and didn't open it for months. Lived with 1 spoon and a butterknife.
I'm the person people ask to go check outside when they hear noises, in the dark.
I love horror movies the more gruesome the better. Now of course if I looked out the window at night and saw "Jason" in a hockey mask with a machete, I would have to change shorts after locking doors.

I kinda like the sensation of being scared. I imagine that there are psychos behind the coop when I go out to feed the chickens. I also love nightmares, I'm a lucid dreamer and think of them as free movies.

Imp-now who's odd LOL!
ME TOO!! I am deadly afraid of Clowns! If one comes near me i scream and start crying. I had a nightmare about a clown the other night and I woke up soaked in tears.

My list of fears:

1. clowns
2. Elevators
3. Thunderstorms (especially alone during them)
4. Hights
5. Falling
6. spiders, snakes and moles!
I like Krusty on the Simpsons. But really don't get clowns. They're OK in a 3 ring circus, but pretty much a waste on me, anywhere else.

Imp- I like Stephen King, but "IT" not so much-too confusing to follow.
I think each time I read this topic, more of my 'weirdness comes out', as I am constantly reminded of one thing or another....I don't consider them all phobias, some are more pet peeves, but there still there.....

Going DOWN the esclator(sp??) not fond of those in the least....They litterally scare the baa-gee-biz outta me...My kids make fun of me...I have such a fear of my food not making it completely on the step and then the next one rising up and then there I go tumbling down the esclator...It takes me nearly 10 minutes just to build the courage to go on them...The up one isn't that bad...Heck I fall/trip going up the stairs, so I kinda expect in going up the

Hands on a chalk board, silverwear scratching on dishes, hands rubbing on a paper bag they all send shivers up my spine....

CHEWING ICE.....that has gotta be one of my worst.....Oh who the heck am I kidding they are ALL MY WORST....I can not stand to hear people chewing on ice.....hard candy is right up there too, but the whole ice chewing has gotta be the worst...again...there I go, they're all my

Throat clicking noises....It drives me completely up the wall...Hubby does both the throat clicking and ice chewing....I think I can even sense it now when he's going to click his throat, and I instantly freak out about it....Not in a scared way...more annoyed/grossed out way....
You are a brave person!!! The movie "chuckie" scares the crap out of me but the new Friday the 13th is so dumb I just closed my eyes cause of the blood.
Escalators can be scary dangerous. A couple years ago I was going up the escalator at the Bel Square mall. The little girl a few steps ahead of me got her tennis shoe toe sucked into the last step, at the top. Her dad was trying to pull her foot back. Several of us behind her could do nothing except go xxx over teakettle, over the girl. Thankfully dad pulled pulled her out of her tied shoe, and she wasn't hurt. But by then the shoe was at least 2 inches into the gap and shredded.

Haven't seen the new Friday the 13th YET. I will I always break down and watch the worse movies.
My SIL and I terrified my 7 yo nephew, about 13 years ago. He wouldn't leave the room while we were watching Chuckie, just sobbed all the way through it, begging us to turn it off.

Imp-bad uncle
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Just thought of another one.

If I'm alone, I can't have anything really loud. Like music or the TV, or anything. I just have this fear that I'll turn around and they'll be someone there, and I didn't hear them! It always happens on horror movies.

Ex: Distracted teenage girl dancing to music oblivious to murderer standing in the corner... I don't even like taking showers at night, for fear I won't hear or see someone come into the bathroom. It's the thought that I can't keep tabs on my surroundings that I hate.

No problem with clowns or spiders or heights, just loud noises apparently are too much for me!

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