Tell us about your weird phobias...


I can't remember how to do the colors but you can....
I can't remember how to do the colors but you can
Kinda Like This?
Or This?

Click on BBCode at the bottom. Tells you how.
It is highly bothersome to have only green and orange left. Red and Green in December is ok, but the only acceptable combination is blue and yellow.

oh my goodness.....I can't believe what I just read....
here the GREEN are the most
ok the most valuable to kids could care less....
green, yellow, white, blue, red, orange, purple, then brown...of course not everything has all those colors but you get my point....
And it's that order ONLY if every color has the SAME amount...
if there are colors with less, those get eatten first on down the line until I am at the color with the most...
But if I have 4 green, 3 red, 3 yellow, 6 blue....I eat the green--2 per side, 1 red per side, 1 yellow per side, 3 blue per side...Then the extra red and yellow I will bit in half so each side has a half...
just typing this is making me sound stranger with each

When it comes to the girls getting things...I will seperate them equally between both of them...Fair is if they have exactly the same amount, color, etc. etc. there should be no fighting...or so I would think after I go through and make sure it's

How do you eat yours? I nibble mine. I put them in between my teeth on my edges, then i crack the candy crust and peel one side of and eat it.Then i eat the rest. According to my kids the best ever MM's(by the way they used to be called smarties in germany) the best ones are pink for my DD's and turquoise is Sebastians fav. WE bought them at the MM store.
I cannot believe I am answering this! I put two of one color on the right side of my mouth. I take one and chew off the coating and transfer to the left side, then I do the same with the second one and let the chocolate melt on my tongue.
That movie is dumb!!!! The only time I jumped was when the music got louder meaning Jason got closer!!!! When we got out of the movie my friends looked at me and said "should of watched Taken" cause the "Taken" movie was at the theatre but Trish and I didn't want to see to much gore after eating dinner!!
oh my goodness.....I can't believe what I just read....
here the GREEN are the most
ok the most valuable to kids could care less....
green, yellow, white, blue, red, orange, purple, then brown...of course not everything has all those colors but you get my point....
And it's that order ONLY if every color has the SAME amount...
if there are colors with less, those get eatten first on down the line until I am at the color with the most...
But if I have 4 green, 3 red, 3 yellow, 6 blue....I eat the green--2 per side, 1 red per side, 1 yellow per side, 3 blue per side...Then the extra red and yellow I will bit in half so each side has a half...
just typing this is making me sound stranger with each

When it comes to the girls getting things...I will seperate them equally between both of them...Fair is if they have exactly the same amount, color, etc. etc. there should be no fighting...or so I would think after I go through and make sure it's

How do you eat yours? I nibble mine. I put them in between my teeth on my edges, then i crack the candy crust and peel one side of and eat it.Then i eat the rest. According to my kids the best ever MM's(by the way they used to be called smarties in germany) the best ones are pink for my DD's and turquoise is Sebastians fav. WE bought them at the MM store.

Are you guys flipping serious!!!>???? All this JUST to eat an M&M, man thats a weird and crazy thing!! I just throw a handful in and chew LOL
You guys have it all wrong!

You eat the 'bad' ones first; the browns, then reds, then yellows and you save the most valuable for last; the blues and the greens, to keep the good memories. And you eat them one by one, in no specific way.
LOL @ the M&M thing...
ya'll actually EAT the brown ones? I give mine away - and green is saved for last

Hmmm phobias for me would be...



having body parts out of the bed (arm, leg hanging) - cant do it

I cannot have the butter knife put into the jelly jar or vice versa - it just freaks me out to see butter in the jelly or jelly in the butter. Same goes for Peanut butter - ewwww

bats (nasty critters...*shivers* had one get caught in my hair once)

small confined places

driving/riding without a seatbelt on - it freaks me out

Uhm.. *thinking* I think I'm good
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