Tell us about your weird phobias...

Dinner for sure in my house.
Sammy Lou eats everything on the table. Bashy only the meat and bread and Taylor meat bo bread but the sides. I serve their food on those Wallyworld reusable plastic plates and get in trouble if i use the wrong plate.

Our dogs have their own bowls, and it messes with their minds if you put someone else's down in front of them. They have to shuffle themselves around until they have the right bowl.
Dinner for sure in my house.
Sammy Lou eats everything on the table. Bashy only the meat and bread and Taylor meat bo bread but the sides. I serve their food on those Wallyworld reusable plastic plates and get in trouble if i use the wrong plate.

Our dogs have their own bowls, and it messes with their minds if you put someone else's down in front of them. They have to shuffle themselves around until they have the right bowl.

My mom's horses are like that...they have to walk into the feed dish area in a certain order and then go to there own dishes, if one tries to sneak in outta order, it throws the hole group off kilter and they need to start all
they eat outta there own dishes and when done go on there way...there are always a few who don't finish it all so when the last horse is done, she knows she'll get to finish the others too... she's the smart chubby
LOL Ours configure themselves and wait in their spots. Woodrow always has his first, then Kodiak, then Ruger, then Penny, and Maggie last.

If we have someone caring for them we have to let them know which order to feed them in and where, otherwise it's chaos and nobody will eat
Fear of playing a final dungeon in a video game at night.

Fear of toching the bottom of a deep pool.

Fear of snakes.

For a few days, I was afraid to touch a video game I got for my birthday!
That is exactly what I do too.
Anyone else eat a Reese's peanut butter cup by nibbling off the edges first, then the bottom and eat the top and the peanut butter last?
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That is exactly what I do too.
Anyone else eat a Reese's peanut butter cup by nibbling off the edges first, then the bottom and eat the top and the peanut butter last?

I eat the edges, then I eat the rest in a 'normal' fashion.
Dinner for sure in my house.
Sammy Lou eats everything on the table. Bashy only the meat and bread and Taylor meat bo bread but the sides. I serve their food on those Wallyworld reusable plastic plates and get in trouble if i use the wrong plate.

Our dogs have their own bowls, and it messes with their minds if you put someone else's down in front of them. They have to shuffle themselves around until they have the right bowl.

JUst to clarify, i am talking about my children here.
When I found out that my new son in law had issues with the cotton in pill bottles and Q-tips, and that his sister used to come up behind him with a cotton ball and pull it apart, I thought it all was a little strange. But now I see that this is really an issue with people, it's something that I never dreamed of. One day, I tried to get him to explain to me about the cotton "issue" and he just didnt have the words to describe it.
It is the squeaky sound when you have you bite on one or use them in your ears. Kind of like the sound a left hander makes when writing on a chalkboard. For me they feel like a spider crawling on me. And i rather would have a spider on me.
I can't stand clowns or balloons.... I've been told my kids have boring birthday parties because of it.

I don't like heights.

I don't like crowds. I could be stuck in a little bitty closet by myself, but stick me in an elevator with more than 2 people and I hyperventilate. It is like they are stealing my air.

And I can't stand to be breathed on, especially my face or neck. I don't like when DH snuggles up behind me and I can feel his breath on my neck. I don't even like when my kids give me big hugs and breathe on me. It is so bad that I can't even snuggle up facing DH, because I can feel my own breath bouncing back on me.

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