Tell us about your weird phobias...

I so understand that one....It drives me completely insane to be breathed on or to even hear others breathing in my ears/behind me....I can stand if just long enough for the kids I guess, but that's about it....I can't how ever stand the steamy sweaty secrets that my kids would spitter spatter into my ears...between the spit and the breathing into my ear I couldn't stand
when they have nasty breath it makes it 10000000 times worse too...
or mouth breathers that completely drives me know like if you have a cold and can't breath through your nose, gotta mouth breath...well to hear someone mouth breath behind or on me will give me the willies....
I've never had anyone breath on me. Well, once but I don't think it was on purpose.

If I think of spiders and other creepy-crawlys I can't put my legs underneth a table. It freaks me out to much. I think one will crawl on my leg.
I saw ONE black widow in the garage about 8 months ago. Now every time I go in there (the freezer in there) I take the broom with me and sweep in front of me. Just in case it is invisible.
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Once I was at my work opening boxes of freight, all from China, and someone freaks out... SPIDER! CHINESE SPIDER! And the stock-room manager calmly walks over and squishes it! She's like four feet tall and all the other girls RAN. It was yellow. Weirdly colored spiders freak me out.

I was just thinking this whole thread that spiders don't scare me, when I came upon a spider. It jumped. So I must alter that. I have a serious phobia of JUMPING spiders. I'm itchy just thinking of them!!
You must hate NASCAR
And I can laugh because I am one of the weirder ones.
Roaches, peaple and any kind of interaction with them and weirdly, telephones. Don't know why on any of those, the phone and people thing is really hurting my life and it sucks that I can't even find a decent explanation why...
Alright, I know I am going to make this a million times worse but here goes....we have a lot of black widows here and while they don't scare me I am (of course) concerned about putting my hand on one. Not sure how your garage light is, but I have to reach inside and turn my on from the kitchen. What if one is sitting on the light switch???? I always poke my head in and look first!!!
Alright, I know I am going to make this a million times worse but here goes....we have a lot of black widows here and while they don't scare me I am (of course) concerned about putting my hand on one. Not sure how your garage light is, but I have to reach inside and turn my on from the kitchen. What if one is sitting on the light switch???? I always poke my head in and look first!!!

Let's make this a billion times worse. What if it's on the door jamb, and jumps on your head, when you poke your head in?

Imp- just being silly

When I first bought my house. The yard had not been taken care of in years. The first summer when I mowed there would be a wave of thousands of little black spiders running away, in front of the mower. They were little jumping spiders. I thought it was kinda cool. I must of sucked up millions that summer.

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