Tell us about your weird phobias...

Roaches and I have this weird thing about my fingernails. I CANNOT get a manicure! I can't stand the way my naked fingernails feel when they're wet, so I have to wear polish all the time. Can't explain it. My mom used to work in the garden. She'd get dirt on her fingers and then flick it off, scraping her nails. I literally couldn't stand it. I'd want to jump out of my skin.

Anybody else? or am I freaky?
well my weirdness factor is going to increase here...this really is a phobia type thing I think...not really sure though.....

Taking the first of things....Can't do it, won't do it....
Like when you get a cup of coffee from a gas station or what not....I always take the 2nd or 3rd cup in the stack, and the covers...No way in HE!! will I ever ever ever take that first lid....Do you know how many people touch those, do you know how many people don't wash there hands after coming outta the bathroom and then touch the coffee lids when they are getting coffee....Do you know how many flies/bugs could land on them before you get your coffee...I usually take one from the middle of the stack...Yes I know when they are in the factory getting made or in the store getting stocked they get touched, but it's less likly to have so many chances in the middle of the stack....At buffets I WILL NOT ever use the top plate, cup, bowl, or even silverwear....I will take a plate or what not in the middle of the stack....It's just nasty gross to me to take the top one...Even in the stores I don't take the first of any food while grocery shopping...Milk it's like the 2nd or 3rd gallon in...fresh fruits and veggies are NEVER ever the top ones, always take ones under them....Even the boxes of's the 2nd or 3rd box back in the row that I get....
Doesn't matter what it is....I can not and will not take the first/top item.....

Another major major major phobia is...........

someone asking me if my kids are mine when they are being NAUGHTY out in public......

ok I think with all my issues/phobias/OCD I have got to have a very very high weirdness factor going...
I used to date a guy with OCD. I didn't realize how bad it was at first. In time I learned that he had to do the following things in order to leave his home:

1. Press fridge & freezer shut 3x each
2. check every window in the entire house that there was a bar in each - didn't matter that it was January and no wondows had opened
3. Test every oven knob 3x, even if he hadn't used the oven (he never did)
4. count the garage door panels ("12345 12345 12345") 3x after backing out, to be certain that the garage was closed

I'm surprised he didn't check faucets and light switches. In time it drove me abso-very looney. I was glad to bid him adieu.

Now that I think about it, he tried to get me back... 3 times.
Not sure if they are phobias or just anxiety problems. I will list mine anyways. I can't drive if I know about it the day before, I get so upset and shaky I throw up and can't breath. I can't go to the dentist if I know about it ahead of time, so my sweet husband doesn't tell me til I am there. I still get really shaky but can bring myself to go in. I don't like to call places if I don't know who I am talking to, and if I think I see a bug in the house I tear everything apart spraying bug killer and going nuts til I know for sure that there is no bug. Other then that I am just a normal person, lol. Yes I take meds. so all is good.
I was afraid of birds for years!(go figure) I can't stand bugs that crunch! ( I will not kill them) I don't like being on a ladder. I can't stick my hand in a turkey to get out the little bag! ( my mother tries to give me this job every year) Ain't happening! I have a phobia about being late. I always leave very early and panic when I am close to being on time. I have a very hard time with scary movies.
I almost posted the same thing, but I thought people would think I was a germophobe. We must have been twins separated at birth.

Another thing that bothers me is my eye glasses. I can't stand to have them dirty at all. There can be no streaks, no dust and no smudges. They must be spotless or I can't stand them. No, I'm not a neat freak. My house is usually a mess, but my glasses must be spotless and streak free.
I also don't like to call people I don't just really hard. Here's one that I haven't had to deal with in years, and its not really a phobia, I just don't like it. Its walking on a rock beach and hearing barnacles scrunching and breaking under my feet....hate it. But living in land locked Central Texas, it isn't a huge issue.

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