Tell us about your weird phobias...

shower curtains must remain open at all times... if I see one closed..that sucker comes ripping open really fast. *shivers*

Oh man I am the same with with foods and "firsts" - or TP paper in a public stall - I'll roll thru an entire ROLL before using what I think is "acceptable"
I dont know WHO touched it and short of packing my own..uhm.. yeah - and forget ever sitting down - I'm the queen of "stand-or-squat-flushing-with-your-foot-no-matter-how-high-the-flusher-is". Also here's a weird one. I know the milk / yogurt says "good for 7 days beyond date" however - if the milk / yogurt gets to within 1 day of its "stamped date" I throw it out.
DH yells "but it says its good for 8 more days!" Me: "then YOU drink/eat it"

He usually throws it away after I stand there smiling and then he says "No..thats okay."
Then why say anything to begin with goober? LOL
I am the same with bathrooms and public restrooms..

Okay with me its flies. I have a fear of them...Their awful buzzing. And the things they do is just nasty. I about go crazy when I see any

Some people are afraid of spiders. Sometimes I appriciate them instead.

All right. I'll admit it. There is another one that I will confess to. I won't eat anything with raisins cooked into it. I will eat raisins by themselves, but not cooked or baked into anything. It's because of something my sister said to me when we were little kids. Yes, it was the same sister that had the evil doll. We were eating muffins one day that had raisins in them, and she brought up the fact that it would be difficult to tell the difference between a raisin and a dead fly that may have fallen into the batter. Now, 40+ years later, I still won't eat anything with raisins cooked in it because there is a slight chance one of those dark squishy spots might be a dead fly.

This is the bridge that greenfamilyfarms is talking about, I cross it at least twice a day, it doesn't bother me BUT I really have a thing about standing in line at a cash register in the grocery store, I get down right sick feeling if it takes more than a couple of minutes... I don't have a clue as to why!

This is the bridge that greenfamilyfarms is talking about, I cross it at least twice a day, it doesn't bother me BUT I really have a thing about standing in line at a cash register in the grocery store, I get down right sick feeling if it takes more than a couple of minutes... I don't have a clue as to why!

It's the fear of knowing how much groceries are going to cost this month
regarding the whole m&m thing:
ya'll give away the colors you dont like?!
sheesh, give em to me, i eat all the chocolate i can get my hands on!
Me, too! I HATE feet. Hate! I especially hate it if someone's feet touch my feet. It totally grosses me out. If my husband's feet touch me at night, I literally jump out of bed.

Naked feet should NEVER touch other naked feet! I sleep with socks on year round....

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