Tell us about your weird phobias...

Well...clowns (ugh), some spiders, though I have had pet tarantulas with no problem, I dont know why I like them better...sleeping in total darkness, deep water etc.
i use to be horribly and terribly afarid of big dark clouds. i always thought it was gonna turn into a tornado, i would get really really scared.. but now i am just really am phobic of spiders and i dont like snakes much.. i also dont like parasites.. like little bugs like bed bugs or lice or anything like that.. drives me nuts !!
I knew a guy years ago that used to always say, "There are only two things on this earth I'm afraid of. A drunk woman and a wet toilet seat."
Used to always make me laugh...

I guess it still does.
i cant sleep facing my dresser mirror, if i roll over during the night and I wake up and turn my back to it. Stupid Bloody Mary story from second grade still creeps me out.
I have emetaphobia- A fear of throw up or throwing up myself.I have a panic attack if anyone is near me that feels like they are about to be sick,or are getting sick. I start getting dizzy,sweaty,I cant see(it is all black) and I start getting really really nervous.
I have germaphobia- But only people germs. Not outdoor germs like dirt or anything like that
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I have a social phobia, which means:

1) I'm afraid of people
2) I'm afraid to drive
3) I can't do things in public-- like run a credit card without a panic attack

4) I hate having strangers in my house
5) I get a sick feeling if a stranger looks at me

My husband can get very frustrated with me, but he knew what I was before he married me
and tries to understand. He's the opposite-- a people-person all the way...

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