Tell us about your weird phobias...

Using anyone's bathroom other then my own. Seriously I have IBS and it terrifies me to think that I will have to go to someone else's bathroom on a momment's notice if it starts acting up. So much so that the fact that it un-nerves me so much makes my IBS act up all on its own. Its really hard for me to go on long trips cause of this.
I absolutely hate anything near my eyes. I hate the eye doctor and I have never had the glaucoma test done because I freak out and can't hold my eyes open.
And that doesnt have anything to do with your BYC name???

Actually, it does.
I have it too! It used to be really bad when we were always going on long drives. Empty cereal boxes (or any boxes) work wonders for that, esp. if someone else is driving. HaHa, I've done some crazy things because of IBS.
I have a big fear of being murdered. I am always making sure the doors are locked...watching people...etc...It completly flips me out.

When I was young I used to have this same nightmare over and over of these 2 men chasing me down a dirtroad and then shooting me. When I met my husband these dreams went away and I haven't had one 10 years.

We live on a dirtroad and I have always told my husband that it couldn't happen on our dirtroad because it didn't look like my dream. My dream was on a dirtroad in a clear cut. Well......This past year they clear cut the pines down our dirtroad and now it looks alot similar to my dream I used to have.

That is crazy,

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