Tell us about your weird phobias...

the body parts thing for me too! not a foot..not a toe..not even a hand...NOTHING! *shivers* The monster under the bed might grab them!
I have it too! It used to be really bad when we were always going on long drives. Empty cereal boxes (or any boxes) work wonders for that, esp. if someone else is driving. HaHa, I've done some crazy things because of IBS.

I try to occupy myself with putting on make up while driving lol
of course Im always the passenger. I dont think I could handle driving by myself. -still has no license and is 25 years old-
the body parts thing for me too! not a foot..not a toe..not even a hand...NOTHING! *shivers* The monster under the bed might grab them!

Oh, you got that right! LOL
the body parts thing for me too! not a foot..not a toe..not even a hand...NOTHING! *shivers* The monster under the bed might grab them!

Oh, you got that right! LOL

I've been that way since i was a kid...and i cant sleep with no covers on either..i have to have something over me, even if its 90 degrees in the room...weird, i know.
I won't lie. MissPrissy doesn't do the dark outside night by herself. Heck no! If I can't see around me I am not going out there. Blame it on my grandfather. He used to scare the scream out of us as kids and I never got over it.

Even in the heat of summer in Georgia as a kid with no a/c I went to sleep under the covers - sweating like a race horse at the Kentucky Derby 2 laps from the finish.

I will throttle anyone who attempts to scare my children. It is cruel!
LOL I just made my hubby walk me down to the coops to put in a rooster that got out today so the fox won't eat him. He had already showered and was in his boxers ready for bed
gh my brother used to do that to me all the time.
brat would sit at the very top of the stairs usually behind the wall and wait for me to head up I would get half way and he would scare the bejesuss out of me, last time he did that I chased him up the stairs and beat the what out of him.
many moons later I still do not do the dark with ot some sort of equalizer.
I just know that little SOB is going to be out there one of these days.
Hights. I'm Okay as long as its less than 30 feet but THATS IT! At 31 i'll panic. And roller coasters. Sucks cuz i live in the home of the worlds most AMAZING roller coaster (Kingda Ka). and most of all FREAKING BOATS! Sailboats are fine. Fishing boats, speedboats, cruise ships NOT FINE, VERY NOT FINE. And for multiple reasons. id die

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