temp is 37.4 on brinsea is that ultimate for chick eggs?

chicka chicka boom

11 Years
Aug 27, 2008
upstate ny
have hatched many eggs in it but just want to make sure i cant firnd a conversion chart for that..also confused on the wet bulb reading deal how to really tell what it is without putting a second thermomitor in there?? help?ALSO ;0) these are shipped eggs and they are spotty looking like your pics in your files that say bacteria i took pics is there a way to show the picture somewhere?
37.4C = 99F

I hope that helps

to convert from C to F, try these calculations manually.
37 + 40 = 77, and 77 * 9/5 = 138.6. For the final calculation, remove the 40. 138.6 - 40 = 98.6
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The exact number should be 37.5 C or 99.5 F, up or down 0.1 C would be fine.

The scientific equation is (C*1.8)+32 = F

37.5*1.8 = 67.5
67.5+32 = 99.5 F


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