Temp spike day 20-ish

Mar 29, 2019
So for our first round of broody hens I began candling a few days after they'd laid enough eggs to set on. I marked the eggs as 5/10 when they seemed like good sized embryos I was sure they were fertile. I candied again on 5/17 -ish and then again on the 25th ( checking for fresh eggs and rotten or no good eggs. By the 25th there were good sized babies and since my nesting boxes are f a r off the ground I wanted to make sure chicks would be safe once hatched. I collected all the ones that looked more ready and placed them in my incubator. So far yesterday 5/28 2 hatched and again today 5/29 one more hatched. When I candied them all to be sure some showed no movement and I don't hear chirping yet. It got super hot outside therefore my incubator got overly hot while we were gone a while today. It spiked to barely over 104°F and I worry they may be shrink wrapped, or already gone and I'm just not sure and I'm worried. What should I do?
Depending on how long the temp was at 104°F, will determine if they are still alive or dead. 104°F for 1 hour will kill the embryos.
the temp back down to were it should be....then wait until hatch time to see if they survived.

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