Temps too hot?


12 Years
May 2, 2012
My chicks are 6 weeks today. The temperature chart says 68-70 degrees. They're currently in my garage. The temp in the garage is warmer than what they should be, about 75 degrees. Do I need to worry about getting some fans for them? They do look pretty near fully feathered. I've got a coop with my 3 year olds in that I intend to split in half for awhile to get them used to each other, thought I have to deep clean it before I set it up. I have a small coop with run I can put them in, not sure if moving them twice is preferable though. Only thing is night temps are in the 50s and 60s.
be sure they have plenty of water either way .. id of already had them in the coop at 4 weeks, but divided off is best .. only condition that can sometimes be pertinent, is if you only have 3 or less mature birds, usually you can just throw them in there. they wont like it, but add a food station or two and theyll make it work usually .. alot of older birds and id section it off though for a few weeks ..
I've got 5 old birds, 4 babies. I'll just really need to get that coop cleaned out and sprayed soon. I just got some Saturday lime, so will see how that works too.
My chicks are 6 weeks today. The temperature chart says 68-70 degrees. They're currently in my garage. The temp in the garage is warmer than what they should be, about 75 degrees. Do I need to worry about getting some fans for them?
Sorry but there are several things wrong with this. You probably got most of the misinformation from this forum too. I see it all the time.

Where did you get that chart? Do you have a link to it so I could look at it?

First the temperatures in that chart are supposed to represent the lowest temperatures the chicks can handle. They have no bearing whatsoever on what high temperatures can be. Chickens live in the real world where temperature get much higher than those minimums.

Until chicks feather out they need protection from the cold. Most chicks feather out by 4 weeks of age. I've had chicks 6 weeks of age go through nights below freezing. I don't know what your chart looks like or what temperatures it shows at different ages but most of them are extremely safe. As long as you don't go below the recommendation they will not be hurt. The reality is that most chicks can easily handle temperatures even lower.

Only thing is night temps are in the 50s and 60s.
At 6 weeks of age they can easily handle those temperatures.
My chicks are 6 weeks today. The temperature chart says 68-70 degrees. They're currently in my garage. The temp in the garage is warmer than what they should be, about 75 degrees. Do I need to worry about getting some fans for them? They do look pretty near fully feathered. I've got a coop with my 3 year olds in that I intend to split in half for awhile to get them used to each other, thought I have to deep clean it before I set it up. I have a small coop with run I can put them in, not sure if moving them twice is preferable though. Only thing is night temps are in the 50s and 60s.View attachment 3841288View attachment 3841289
Make it so they can move into or out of the heat. If the garage is always 75 degrees, that may be pushing it without air circulation. When feathered, they tolerate cooler Temps pretty well, plus they clump together for body warmth.

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