Ten reasons I know I'm stressed.

1. I walk around quoting jack sparrow "why is all the rum gone?"
2 - 10. Repeat #1
1. my middle DD stayed home for three days from school.
2. now i am stuck helping her with all her homework
3. holiday baking? not even started
4. Christmas is in less than a week?
5. presents not even close to being wrapped.
6. some are not even bought yet.
7. forks.. what are those? lol
8. Puppy peed and pooed on the tree skirt. in the laundry behind the loads of pants, shirts and everything else that needs to be done.
9. migraine from heck is coming on
10. Why is all the rum gone?
11. we are all still in pjs.. and it's 20 to 12.


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