Tenessee Red Quail, Male to Female ration


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2016
whats the ideal male to female ratio tenessee reds and can I keep them in the same pen, for instance if it was one male to three females can I keep 2 males and 6 females all together
I know a guy that raises them and he seems to raise them just like northern bobwhites. Also I think it is probably more about the space than just the ratio. He did tell me he did not think they were more aggressive than northern bobwhites. That was something I had read about the Reds. He said he raised about 7500 quail this year. He also raised some of the northern with the reds and they got along fine but when breeding season starts he separates them.

I think 6 females to 2 males would be fine. He kept his on the ground and had a lot in the same pen together I did not see any issues with them. I am trying to do a 2 to 1 ratio on my northern. From a study I read the 2:1 got better fertile eggs than 3:1.
Depends on how much space you have. Small spaces, 1 male 1 female. If you have aviary sized spaces, you can keep a couple of pairs in this space. These birds mate for life with 1 bird, always pair them off, no trios.

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