Terramycin in water for new chicks?


11 Years
Sep 6, 2008
North Carolina
Hi all.
My 6 one day old chicks are due to arrive next week. I went to Tractor Supply and a lady who works there, that has 100 chickens of her own, sold me a big bag of starter (24%... which she said is fine, even though is doesn't say it's for baby chickens, rather quail and turkey???) and it's not medicated. So she sold me a 6.4 oz. bag of Terramycin and told me to sprinkle it in the chick's water dish every time I water them until they're 5 or 6 weeks old. And when she said "sprinkle", I'm wondering how much and is there a danger in under or overdosing the chicks? She also said to save money, not to bother with buying a chick feeder or waterer (just to use little shallow dishes).

I'm a newbie, so I wanted to check w/ you experts and see if this all sounds ok?

thank you so much for any input!
You don't need to put anything in their water...especially a med like that. I don't know why people think they have to put stuff in a new chick's water. I've raised LOTS of chicks over the years and I never put anything in their water. If I have one that's slow I'll give it a drop of water with some vitamins in it, but there's no reason to treat the whole group. Just make sure they have fresh water.
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Ok, thank you. So, even if the feed is not medicated, I don't need to do anything else? Why do so many chickens owners say they need medicated food as chicks? Do you think I should have gotten medicated food? Is it antibiotics that are in the medicated food?
Thanks so much.
What Katy says is true, they certainly don't need anything like that in their water..........if they are shipped chicks some vits & elect for the first day or two...their medicated feed and fresh water is all they will need....
I do feed mine medicated chick feed which has amprolium in it which is a coccidiosis preventative....not really a medication.

True. Terramycin is an antibiotic, not a thiamine blocker like the Amprolium that is what medicated chick starter contains. And Tractor Supply (and other feedstore personel) people are notoriously dumb! Why, oh why, throw antibiotic at baby chicks for no reason? Yet, they always say that. Drives me nuts!
I dont even put vitamins and electrolytes in the water unless there's a real reason to do so. Just plain, fresh water.
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that sales person is a bit cracked! she wanted you to save money by skimping on (really inexpensive) necessities, then sold you a completely pointless medication instead. *shakes head* is it any wonder that we have so many antibiotic resistant bugs out there? basic rule of thumb, whether it's your children or your chickens (or yourself): don't give antibiotics without the specific advice of a physician or veterinarian.

if it were me, i'd got back to that TSC and complain. and pick up some dishes while you're there. you can get a slide top feeder and a base for a mason jar waterer for under $5 combined, at least in my area.

as for the feed, it sounds like a feed suitable for broilers. the protein content is a bit high for layer chicks, if that's what you have, but it shouldn't hurt them. if you don't feel like you need a coccidiostat in your feed, go ahead and feed them the game food.
Thank you Ravenfeathers, and everyone else
! I'm not sure if we need the medicated food or not. Is coccidiosis so prevalent that my chicks are likely to get it if they don't have the medicated feed? Ugh! These are our first 6 chicks ever... they are layers (and pets!). We are getting them from mypetchicken.com and did get the vaccination for Marek's. I have always been a beleiver in no antibiotics unless absolutely necessary (for my pets and kids). So that makes sense to me to translate that to chicks too!

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