Terrified Hens


Jul 31, 2020
I have 2 hens who are terrified every time I collect eggs or anytime I go into their ground coop. It has a lot of hiding spots but they panic and tried of fight their way out. One chipped her beak because of it.
Will they ever calm down enough to lay eggs or should I just cull?
One is 3 months old from my original flock.
One hen is newly bought.
If you're collecting the eggs every day, they should calm down. If you can, spend some time just hanging around their pen. If you start coming out with treats, they'll get over their fear even faster.

If they still don't calm down, I would probably cull because I want calm quail for breeding.
I have 2 hens who are terrified every time I collect eggs or anytime I go into their ground coop. It has a lot of hiding spots but they panic and tried of fight their way out. One chipped her beak because of it.
Will they ever calm down enough to lay eggs or should I just cull?
One is 3 months old from my original flock.
One hen is newly bought.
I lure mine out of their den with boiled eggs when it is laying season. When they are all gathered/distracted by the plate I walk around back and get their eggs out. It may take some time to get used to you but they will warm up eventually.
Do you make some noise or do they see you coming? Try talking to them as you approach the pen so they know it's you entering.
Mine are in a cage (right now, moving to the ground soon) but I whistle as I approach and they can flee where they wish but they know I am coming. I also whistle a different way when I am bringing food out and they rush out to get to the eggs.

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