~Test Hatchers~ All Have Been Shipped

Okay Austin, here is my preliminary report. Out of the 9 eggs you sent, 7 developed and hatched. I kept the 8th and 9th until I put them in the hatcher just to make sure. It was clear.

In the new cheapo LG hatcher I am using for the first time, after incubating with Marans, and Wellies, all staggered days, I have 7 happy and healthy chicks.

Looks like a 100% hatch for me! That is amazing given:

1) The box was smashed by the PO
2) I had a staggered hatch
3) Used a new hatcher for the first time
4) My dog got into the bator, ate a chick and screwed up my humidity and temp.

5) These were shipped eggs.

Very cute little Orpies! I will post a pic of them when they all come out and fluff up.

edited: to adjust final number
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Hi Lowcountry,

Just wanted to give an update. Yesterday the temperatures in my area dipped very low for this time of year (10 degrees below normal) and that affected the temps in my incubators. I was away all day so fixed it later in the night. I can tell you that before the temperature drop 10 of the 12 were for sure developing. they are supposed to be hatching later in the week. I am hoping the temperature issue did not kill them.
Hey lowcountry I haven't candle all the eggs yet but, randomly pick up a few to candle and I actually have movement in them..And have found one that seems to be a dud not sure though.And haveing a hard time telling if the EE egg is doing anything cause I can't see in it..LOL.But, tonite I am going to candle all of them and see how many are progressing.
Thanks again

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