Tetra Tints and Egg Laying


6 Years
Jun 20, 2013
Western New York
Okay, there seem to be a lot of question about this breed, which I am new too.

In late June (the 20th) of this year I rescued three tetra tint pullets from a crazy woman who had hundreds of birds living in her barn (oh, how I wish I could have taken more). Anyhow, they were approximately 12 weeks old at the time). Pictured below are two of my girls now. As I have seen posted many times here, my experience with their behavior is similar - they like to fly, and not exactly lap birds, love to be up high, are very funny and extremely curious. However, they are still not laying (I have even looked in all their secret spots in garden and undergrowth). They are definitely sitting in their nesting boxes daily. I have read they start laying anywhere from 15-25 weeks... I just want to see if this is anyone else's experience? They get plenty of what they need under the same conditions that I have had excellent layers. I lost my last two old girls this Spring (barred-rocks), so have started new with these ladies...

I mean, you don't think I have three roosters? LOL They way they stick together, I am extremely doubtful they are. There are just so many variances in the breed it seems.

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No worries, they are pullets. The point of lay will vary with each bird, so your pullets might just be a little late.
Thanks, this is what I thought too, but wanted to make sure since I have never dealt with this breed before and have only ever had rocks and buffs.

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