- Jul 19, 2016
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Good-day 2 everyone here at BYC,Thank-you 4 adding me. Let me introduce myself,my name is Sari,I have been married 4 17 years 2 an active duty soldier,& have 5 great kids, ages r 21,14,14,14 &13. I recently decided after we bought our 1st house last year,that I wanted the kids 2 experience "farming". We started out with 3 Pekin ducklings, & 3 silkie chicks, which r now big enough 2 free range during the day. Then about a month ago I bought my dream birds, 2 male peacocks,along with 2 guineas,& another silkie. Then on the 7th of July I ordered & got 16 more female chicks, 5 Ameraucana's,5 Cuckoo Marans, 5 Road Island Reds,& a suprise chick. Well today was the 16 chicks 1st day outside in the total fenced in pen. However, Iam still having 2 work with the peacocks & guineas when it comes 2 free ranging them. I let them pgs (peacocks&guineas) out in the morning 4 about 2 hours totally supervised & in the evening 4 2 hours again totally supervised. However 2day with all the new chaos, the pgs didn't want 2 go free range. They wanted 2 stay & see who was in their pen. The 1 peacock I call Cadence was pecking at a few of the chicks & when the Peking ducks, & older silkies come in from free ranging all day, Popeye my female duck & Rowdy seem to pick on everyone. Not too bad. But I was hoping things would go alot smoother. We give fresh fruit & veggies at night 4 coming in. Fresh water twice a day. Yet I feel like Iam missing something. I hate them picking on each other. How long will this last, will I need 2 get rid of the peacocks? Are the different kinds of chickens I got compatible with each other? Can you raise chickens,peacocks,guineas& ducks together. & the likelihood that I can free range everyone? Thank-you in advance 4 any fedback, I just want everyone 2 be happy & healthy.