Thankful for YOU - 2020



┑( ̄▽ ̄)┍
7 Years
Apr 12, 2015
Montgomery, TX
Happy Thanksgiving! This is always my favorite time of year, because showing gratitude is very... fulfilling.

We all know it’s the members here who keep us coming back over and over again and make this the best community online. I wanted to start a “thankful” post last year to recognize my adoration for @aart and all of the things that I have learned here from her that honestly have helped my life beyond BYC. That thread is filled with such genuine admiration and stories of connection, I thought we really needed a new thread for 2020. (You can read through the original thread here).

So here’s your chance to show some appreciation, call out, embarrass and/or raise up those members here at BYC that make a difference for YOU.

This year, I have a couple of new call-outs.

1. @Ridgerunner - who doesn’t have advice from Ridgerunner in their history at BYC? Let’s get real! We all do. But it’s not even chicken advice that does it for me. YEARS ago, Ridgerunner told SOMEONE ELSE that “you’re going to waste 100x more energy agonizing over a decision than if you just got it over with.”

I’ll never forget it. I literally stop myself in my tracks ALL the time and say “Ridgerunner says to make the dang decision and move on.” (I certainly use more colorful language....)

that’s one of the things that makes BYC so unique. Commentary for *someone else* ended up changing MY life! Thank you, Ridgerunner!

2. @casportpony. If there’s something you enjoy at ByC, Casportpony had her hand in it somewhere. Her selfless dedication to things is fairly..... inspiring. Huge props to Kathy for being the glue to just about.... everything?

Speaking of Kathy, I have actual *friendships* budding out of the Hatch A Longs here. Friends that I’ve sent late night “what’s going on in my life” messages to, friends that are encouraging and supportive and helpful in ways that I never would have expected here! Love from me goes out also to @SnapdragonQ, @CluckNDoodle, @Kiki, and @BantyChooks for dealing with me behind the scenes for like half of this year!

LASTLY I really want to thank everyone who comes here and posts about their vulnerabilities, their mistakes, and their frustrations. It’s hard, I know it is, to put yourself out there like that. You have NO idea how helpful it is for members and lurkers around here. I have learned SO much through other people’s history and mistakes than I ever could have learned myself. Your difficult post or hard learning experience made it easier for someone else. Thank YOU!

Now.... it’s your turn to keep this chain going and share your thanks!!!
I want to thank everyone here!
This site has been amazing for learning & sharing. Just this year I upgraded to a better phone so I could download the app, so my attendance has increased significantly! Prior to that I'd visit on my dinosaur pc...not often enough, though. Now I visit every day! I look forward to it! I learn something new, I share & I always come across something that makes me laugh & realize I am not the only crazy chicken lady!
Happy Thanksgiving! This is always my favorite time of year, because showing gratitude is very... fulfilling.

We all know it’s the members here who keep us coming back over and over again and make this the best community online. I wanted to start a “thankful” post last year to recognize my adoration for @aart and all of the things that I have learned here from her that honestly have helped my life beyond BYC. That thread is filled with such genuine admiration and stories of connection, I thought we really needed a new thread for 2020. (You can read through the original thread here).

So here’s your chance to show some appreciation, call out, embarrass and/or raise up those members here at BYC that make a difference for YOU.

This year, I have a couple of new call-outs.

1. @Ridgerunner - who doesn’t have advice from Ridgerunner in their history at BYC? Let’s get real! We all do. But it’s not even chicken advice that does it for me. YEARS ago, Ridgerunner told SOMEONE ELSE that “you’re going to waste 100x more energy agonizing over a decision than if you just got it over with.”

I’ll never forget it. I literally stop myself in my tracks ALL the time and say “Ridgerunner says to make the dang decision and move on.” (I certainly use more colorful language....)

that’s one of the things that makes BYC so unique. Commentary for *someone else* ended up changing MY life! Thank you, Ridgerunner!

2. @casportpony. If there’s something you enjoy at ByC, Casportpony had her hand in it somewhere. Her selfless dedication to things is fairly..... inspiring. Huge props to Kathy for being the glue to just about.... everything?

Speaking of Kathy, I have actual *friendships* budding out of the Hatch A Longs here. Friends that I’ve sent late night “what’s going on in my life” messages to, friends that are encouraging and supportive and helpful in ways that I never would have expected here! Love from me goes out also to @SnapdragonQ, @CluckNDoodle, @Kiki, and @BantyChooks for dealing with me behind the scenes for like half of this year!

LASTLY I really want to thank everyone who comes here and posts about their vulnerabilities, their mistakes, and their frustrations. It’s hard, I know it is, to put yourself out there like that. You have NO idea how helpful it is for members and lurkers around here. I have learned SO much through other people’s history and mistakes than I ever could have learned myself. Your difficult post or hard learning experience made it easier for someone else. Thank YOU!

Now.... it’s your turn to keep this chain going and share your thanks!!!
I am thankful for ALL of my nutters.
Every one of them.

:frowHi nutters!
Happy Thanksgiving! This is always my favorite time of year, because showing gratitude is very... fulfilling.

We all know it’s the members here who keep us coming back over and over again and make this the best community online. I wanted to start a “thankful” post last year to recognize my adoration for @aart and all of the things that I have learned here from her that honestly have helped my life beyond BYC. That thread is filled with such genuine admiration and stories of connection, I thought we really needed a new thread for 2020. (You can read through the original thread here).

So here’s your chance to show some appreciation, call out, embarrass and/or raise up those members here at BYC that make a difference for YOU.

This year, I have a couple of new call-outs.

1. @Ridgerunner - who doesn’t have advice from Ridgerunner in their history at BYC? Let’s get real! We all do. But it’s not even chicken advice that does it for me. YEARS ago, Ridgerunner told SOMEONE ELSE that “you’re going to waste 100x more energy agonizing over a decision than if you just got it over with.”

I’ll never forget it. I literally stop myself in my tracks ALL the time and say “Ridgerunner says to make the dang decision and move on.” (I certainly use more colorful language....)

that’s one of the things that makes BYC so unique. Commentary for *someone else* ended up changing MY life! Thank you, Ridgerunner!

2. @casportpony. If there’s something you enjoy at ByC, Casportpony had her hand in it somewhere. Her selfless dedication to things is fairly..... inspiring. Huge props to Kathy for being the glue to just about.... everything?

Speaking of Kathy, I have actual *friendships* budding out of the Hatch A Longs here. Friends that I’ve sent late night “what’s going on in my life” messages to, friends that are encouraging and supportive and helpful in ways that I never would have expected here! Love from me goes out also to @SnapdragonQ, @CluckNDoodle, @Kiki, and @BantyChooks for dealing with me behind the scenes for like half of this year!

LASTLY I really want to thank everyone who comes here and posts about their vulnerabilities, their mistakes, and their frustrations. It’s hard, I know it is, to put yourself out there like that. You have NO idea how helpful it is for members and lurkers around here. I have learned SO much through other people’s history and mistakes than I ever could have learned myself. Your difficult post or hard learning experience made it easier for someone else. Thank YOU!

Now.... it’s your turn to keep this chain going and share your thanks!!!
I've really enjoyed working with @jolenesdad , @CluckNDoodle , @SnapdragonQ , and @casportpony this year on the hatch-along. You guys are a blast!

@Kiki , @Wickedchicken6 , @Conan ; I appreciate you nutters greatly. Thanks for not axe murdering me yet :love

@Tesumph and @CSAchook My lovely lizard ladies! I always enjoy talking to you.

@duluthralphie You're okay... I guess. Try getting some dux next year and seeing if that moves you up in my good books somewhat.

@Sally Sunshine It's been a while, but I still think of you often. :hugs
I've really enjoyed working with @jolenesdad , @CluckNDoodle , @SnapdragonQ , and @casportpony this year on the hatch-along. You guys are a blast!

@Kiki , @Wickedchicken6 , @Conan ; I appreciate you nutters greatly. Thanks for not axe murdering me yet :love

@Tesumph and @CSAchook My lovely lizard ladies! I always enjoy talking to you.

@duluthralphie You're okay... I guess. Try getting some dux next year and seeing if that moves you up in my good books somewhat.

@Sally Sunshine It's been a while, but I still think of you often. :hugs
I'm sorry for not axe murdering you. I know I promised.

Grateful for too many to mention. I'd forget someone.
@BantyChooks, you will always be my favorite... Along with my other favorites 💕

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