> Thanks Giving, Thanks for Entering Poultry Show *ENDED* Results - PAGE 3 POST #26 <

Whew! Think I'm done
Thanks for the show!

Name: Sugar
Breed: Bearded Silkie
Doing her Fraggle Rock impersonation!

Name: Sleeping Beauty
Breed: Easter Egger

Name: Princess Tianna
Breed: Barred Plymouth Rock
I'm not sure I know how to do it in high resolution. Hope mine already are, because I don't know how to change them.
All of your pictures are fine. The low resolution pictures are really dark and hard to see usually - which is hard to edit because you need to see the outline of the chicken or chickens. Thank you for entering - Love the sebrights!

Name: Princess Tianna
Breed: Barred Plymouth Rock
Try not to submit pictures that cut off like your barred rocks picture, the top of the comb is missing so that limits what you can so with the picture.
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