THAT freaked me out

Dang i have to get me an Ouija boared thingy.They sound awsome and i love the piraormal crap lol
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Some may or may not believe this....and thats ok, I know it to be true...I lived it.

When I was a young girl, a friend of the family brought a ouija board into our home. Being young 2 sisters and I decided to "play" with it. When my mother found us playing with it, she FREAKED out! Grabbed it and took it to the burn barrell. ( yes, this was a long time ago when everyone burned thier trash) Well....we all forgot about it for months, untill it was time to empty the barrell. Dad had dug the hole, and was dumping the barrell in..when out fell the ouija board...UN BURNT!! NOT A SCRATCH ON IT! This thing was in there for a few months with trash being burnt daily almost. Ohhh, I never would have one in MY house. We burried it in the hole...and about 6 months later...our home burnt to the ground. No one was hurt...but we lost everything! Mom swears it was that darned board!
They are evil, lacy leave them alone. It's not fun and games with this board, alot of people believe that it is hells portal. A lot of bad stuff has happened to people messing in things they should'nt.
Lacy, look, I don't believe in organized religion, and don't necessarily believe in hell (or heaven). But I'll tell you this. I *do* believe that there is something outside the world that we can see/hear/touch, and it, as much of nature, can be friendly or really not so friendly.

I don't open my front door if there is a strange dog standing on my porch, physical or other.

Just something to think about. If you believe that it works, it has power (even if it's just over your imagination, which has power over you).
Don't get one. That's the best advice I can ever give anyone. Whatever you come across on those things LIE to you. They tell you things that you want to hear so you'll use it more and then they have you. My DH (boyfriend at the time) almost left me over that thing. That "ghost" or whatever he was said that he wanted ME and said he was going to go through my boyfriend to get to me. He never hurt me but my DH had terrible things happen to him over it.
I'm a Witch and I don't even mess with Ouija Boards not anymore...
I get really aggravated when I see them in toy stores. They're NOT toys...I do consider them a doorway, but good AND bad can come through. Usually bad is the strongest though which is why all the weird stuff happens. Especially a teenaged girl, with all that hormone-y stuff going on...The onset of puberty raises all sorts of commotion and you don't need any more.

My scary story.
The house I grew up in was built from driftwood from shipwrecks. 3 people died in the house, including my mother.
I was always "sensitive" to things. My sister, and couple of her friend, and myself tried and we didn't get much. But when my sister, mother and I did we contacted someone that "said" he was part of the Brink's Job and had hidden money in the house. We went into the attic where the money was supposed to be hidden and we found some interesting cubbies, but no loot...
We even took a picture of our "ghost".
my aunt's ex painted a demon picture which somehow or another ended up in our attic too, so that was creepy...I'm shivering now...YIKES!
One day, we had the board out and it was me, my mother, my grandmother and great grandmother and it was at the kitchen table. We used a heavy shot glass as the planchette.
The door bell rang and it was my uncle and his wife. We had all stood up and moved away from the board. It spelled out BY ITSELF "There is a nonbeliever" and threw the glass against the fridge. My GGM wound up covered with glass and I put that very thing away and never picked it up again...
I'd never go in the cellar or the attic after dark and I had my own room up there. I heard a Bansidhe and that was it! I never slept in the attic again.
Now that my family is all dead. My mother died in the house, I never go back there. I'm scared...if I really thought about it and wanted to live there, I'd get it smudged and I'd have it blessed too...but I'll never go back there.
Don't get one. That's the best advice I can ever give anyone. Whatever you come across on those things LIE to you. They tell you things that you want to hear so you'll use it more and then they have you. My DH (boyfriend at the time) almost left me over that thing. That "ghost" or whatever he was said that he wanted ME and said he was going to go through my boyfriend to get to me. He never hurt me but my DH had terrible things happen to him over it.

Listen to people that know what there talking about, PLEASE
You can believe in the paranormal and that's fine, but not knowing what you're doing with one of "those" is just asking for trouble.
You don't want me to come down there in my full witchy regalia and put you over my knee...
I am religious but don't believe in orginized religion. I believe in Jesus. I also believe that evil is the absense of God. Just as there is really no such thing as cold, it's the absense of heat, no such thing as dark, it's the absense of light, evil is the absense of God. These things are evil, meaning without God. God is good, and nothing good comes from evil. They are as far apart as the east is from the west. God is love, evil is the absense of love. Just remember that.
Back to the real question, the barn where you heard footsteps, you know there are people who make a good living with ghost stories. I'm not saying that what you heard is a story. Just the opposite actually. I've lived in houses that had spirits. I was working for the phone company and had a gentleman call in to put service in a building he was turning into a bed and breakfast. He was certrain that the building was haunted and was going to market it that way. Wouldn't we all love to spend the night, just one night, in a haunted bed and breakfast?
Keep your barn options open. You never know what may become of it.
In my 42 years on earth i've never been tempted to mess with one of those boards, guess I'll be able to go another 42 without it.

I do know strange things do happen, I've lived through some of them,

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