THAT freaked me out

I don't really know what I believe. I do believe that there is something. Here is what happen to me:

I had a uncle that I was very close too. He raised my father after my father's mother died. My uncle got very sick. I moved in with him to take care of him (for almost a year). Well he died in Oct of "88". I then moved on with my life always thing of our good times. I met my husband in July of "89", married him in Sept of "90", and had our daughter in March of "92". One night shortly after giving birth to my first born I had what I thought was a dream. My Uncle came to be and told me that he was so glad that I found happiness and that I had a wonderful daughter. We also talked about other things. He also thanked me for what I did for him towards the end. Well the next morning my husband kept asking me who I was talking to in our room that night. I told him that I had a weird dream and must have been talking in my sleep. I was given a very funny look and we never talked about it again. Well about six months later I was asking my mother for some pictures of this uncle to be able to tell my daughter about him and his impact on my life. Well when we got the photos out my husband whole attitude change. He told my that the photo was the person I was talking to that night in our room. I told my husband that it couldn't be because, he died before we had met. Well I have had no more visit from my uncle. I wouldn't mind them. I have had other weird things happen without being able to explain.
LOL Rooster-Red.

Glad you're rethinking Lacy.

There's different types of hauntings also...
There are hauntings of people, sort of like the movie Poltergeist where the family was haunted wherever they went.
There are place hauntings. Most of those are way way back in time. Like the sacred burial ground deals.
Then there are hauntings that repeat themselves every certain amount of time.
Then there are your time slips, like the story of the two school teachers who went on vacation in France and walked the palace of Versailles and saw Marie Antoinette and her entourage.
A sickness can be caused by an entity basically draining a person's life force...on the other side, they have all the energy that they can use, but not here. They need to get it from somewhere...
It's like a psychic vampire, that particular person that once you're done dealing with them, you feel like you've been sucked dry.

You can use a pendulum or Tarot Cards or even a playing deck instead of a Ouija board...You're using your OWN powers rather than those of the other side.

Goddess knows I've got plenty of stories and next month I have a Religious Holiday.
Neat stories everyone.
Southernchick -yours is scary as heck! I used a ouija once back in H.S. and it freaked me out, so I never touched one again. Poor Danny, that would NOT be fun. I've seen shows where you can talk to or send spirits to the light, or the other side. I totally believe we go somewhere beyond earth when we die. I have personally known too many totally normal people who have real ghostly stories for me to doubt it. I, however will not be talking to any ghosts, I don't want them hanging out with me LOL. I'm not scared, it was just creepy.

Heidi- you saw the basement of the barn, I heard the footsteps upstairs right over me. It was CLEARLY footsteps. The wind does make some noises but not like that. It wasn't freaky until I realized Brians truck was not there.

rrsmom- What you said about God is exactly what I believe too. I think it would be cool to sleep somewhere that is known to be haunted. Lets just say I don't want to sleep in my barn.

Bubba- The reason it freaked me out is because I realized it wasn't a person, neighbor etc. It would be impossible for them to disappear so fast. There is only ONE door on the barn, its right in front and it's about 50 feet from the side of the basement area where I enter. I heard the footsteps until I walked out and I can see the front door in about 10 steps. Even if someone ran as fast as they could out of the barn I would've seen them. Once I realized my DHs truck wasn't there I pretty much ran to the door and searched the inside of the upstairs, to make sure it wasn't a thief or something.

Just a side note. We have lived here 7 years. When we wanted to buy this home, the other interested party planned on tearing the barn down. Luckily we got the house. My husband has put ALOT of man hours into fixing and restoring the barn. It's his "place to be" his man zone. He does not believe in ghosts etc. I have been out there in the upstairs at night etc. and it's creepy to say the least. It has a ton of weird meat hook things and its all original. I asked him "don't you get creeped out in here all alone at night"? Ofcourse he always said NO. Well a couple years ago SOMETHING out there happened that sent him running for the house, face pure white, with an extra serious look. He won't even tell me what happened. He won't talk about it, he just pretends it didn't happen. He still spends alot of time out there so it could'nt have been too bad. I told him about yesterday and he just said, as long as it wasn't a person, it doesn't bother him. Maybe it is a ghost and its his buddy LOL. If it is the farmer I'm sure he's proud of all the work Brians done.

edited to add pics- this is why it I know it could not have been a visitor that left before I saw them.

This is the view on either side of my house and down the driveway.



Then this is a pic I took of storm clouds awhile back and you can see the front door of the barn and where my DH parks. I come out of the coop on the side on the left of the barn. The driveway has a big turn around on top too.
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Those are some cool pictures Schmoo. An old barn like that - wouldn't surprise me if it had some residual (sp) hauntings in it.

Using a ouija board is one of the most damaging things anyone can do. You can easily contact a lower vibrational being, and they don't tell the truth, they like to fool with you, just like you read in some of the above posts. Dangerous.

And hard to get rid of whatever you invite to your house from an ouija board. It's just bad.

Hey we were all younger once and think that it's cool to try it. Don't.
Okay, here's my story. I'm not a particularly "ghosty" type person, but I don't doubt that they exist.

My DH and I have been married just over ten years. When we were engaged 11 years ago, we lived in an efficiency apartment in German Village in Columbus, a very old brewery district originally built and populated by German immigrants. Our apartment was the back portion of a house and it was *extremely* tiny. The house was over a hundred years old.

About five months after our wedding, we were both sitting on our futon watching TV, which backed up against our kitchen counter. I slipped off my engagement and wedding bands (which were not soldered at the time) and put them up on the counter above and behind my head. Later that night, I got up to get my rings and noticed that my wedding band was missing. No big deal, I just fell on the floor. I searched everywhere--the floor, the sink, under the futon, you name it. No ring. As I said, this was a VERY small apartment, and there was nothing else on that counter that day. I thought maybe our dog (a puppy at the time) could have eaten it, so for two weeks we went through his poop with plastic forks (lots of fun!).

I became obsessed with finding this ring. I spent five days literally tearing the entire apartment apart; my husband was very, very sick at this time with a horrible flu virus and I was so obsessed with the ring that I treated him terribly (not like myself at all...I seriously felt possessed!). I was singularly focused and I was FURIOUS that he had managed to get sick during this "crisis" (poor DH). I screamed at him to get out of bed and help me look for this ring. My darling DH took the sink apart to see if it had fallen into the drain trap. I tore up the carpet and the linoleum. I unzipped the futon and looked inside. Nothing. Later that week DH became so ill that he had to go to our doctor's office and be put on fluids for his dehydration. I gave up on finding the ring and had our insurance company replace it.

We moved out a year later and the ring was never found, even though I continued to look for it off and on while we were there and as we moved out. I've always wondered where it went, and if "someone" took it. There is no other logical explanation for its disappearance, because the apartment was small and it was clean at the time the ring evaporated into thin air.

Yikes! These stories are CREEPY!! :eek:

Here's my Ouija board story...strange but not really scarey:

Wa-ay back in the 1960's, the ouija board was a new sensation and hadn't been deemed as dangerous yet; just "cool". In 1967, I was expecting my second child and my girlfriend was expecting her first. (Yes, I'm old as dirt!
) We decided to ask the ouija board when our babies would be born. Mine was due July 13 and it told me July 5. On July 4, everyone was joking that I better pack for the hospital and, sure enough, my daughter arrived on July 5. I don't remember my friend's due date but the thing that moves kept going off the board. It wouldn't give her a date the baby would be born. She had a miscarriage!

I have since learned how evil that thing is and would never touch one now! I am also a Christian but wasn't back in the '60s. The Bible says not to fool with that stuff and I believe it's for a good reason! God knows what's best for his children!!

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I played with an Ouija board when I was little and nothing happened. However, my mother took it and threw it away. My aunt was a house-keeper for a priest, and he told us there are bad things out there, and not to mess with them because you are only inviting trouble. That was all he said about it, but I have remembered it for almost 30 years.

A very good friend of mine was in a bookstore reading the satanic bible out of curiousity when someone came up behind her and told her to put it down. She told him that she wasn't satanic, just curious. He said that's how he started out too, and then showed her a large scar on his arm, I think where he cut himself for some sort of satanic ritual? Anyway, he said enough to freak her out and put it down and not touch again.

I believe in Jesus and angels and saints. I do believe in heaven and hell and a spiritual world that we can't see. It only makes sense to me that if you believe in God and His angels, you have to believe in the devil and his "angels" too. I don't doubt that there are "ghosts" at all, even though I have no real experiences with them. I wouldn't invite them into my life through an ouija board or any other way on purpose, though.

Even though I have no "ghost" story, I do have this sort of funny, sort of eery story:

There was a "family member" staying at my house who was really bothersome. During that time, I sprinkled Holy Water all over our house and was praying, not even thinking about him at all. Then he moved out. I joked that the Holy Water sent him packing. A few years later this same person was "visiting" again. He again was making a nuisance of himself, so I sprinkled Holy Water everywhere to see if he would leave. He didn't, but he did get very antsy in the house, and was always going out for something. Then I put crucifixes above each door in my house because I read that the devil hates them. He moved out 2 days later!

Maybe it was a coincidence, but it was definitely funny. Whatever it was, I'm glad he's gone.

Anyhow, I wouldn't worry too much about the ghost in the barn if he's harmless, but maybe you could have a priest come and bless the barn and your house if he bothers you?
Bet you didn't think your thread would be this long, huh, Schmoo? Those are beautiful pics especially of the storm cloud. You should submit that into some contest.
I was thinking the very same thing about the stunning sky photo. I also wanted to welcome Hope to the byc forum.
I have nothing to add to this forum at this time but am following this thread.
Ok, there are ghost stories and then there's evil. That game is evil..... Back in 1993, I was living in Albuquerque NM, I was 27, my daughter was 4 and my son was seven, my whole life began to change for the worse and I blame it on that portal to hell. What started out a cute ghost story events lasted for two 1/2 years until we moved out of our house.......

I was raised in a Pentacostal Christian church family, who believed in gifts of the spirit, I was tought to never mess with the board. I knew better.

I met a friend named Monique that year and she loved her O___ board and her crystals, and cards. I thought it would be fun to do it with her.

We talked to spirits ( I was skeptical, thought maybe we moved it ourselves) etc. It seemed harmless enough but I told her it creeped me out and to take it home, and I didn't want to do it again.

Within the next few weeks the following events began and our lives seemed to unravel around them.......

-Our living room lights came on by themselves 3 nights a week on the same nights, in the mornings some kitchen cabinets would be open
-Fire in the fireplace would restart itself after we put it out for the night
-I began to have dreams of being held down unable to move, screaming but no one could hear me - felt sick a lot, fellt afraid
- My husband became a very angry and started having bad dreams, and said he felt like he wanted revenge on people like he was ill
- Our Siberian Husky began barking at the corner of the living room several evenings a week at nothing just a cold corner of the lr
-My little girl 4, began talking to the dead lady and her daughter and wants to give them food and new clothes........on a daily basis and my daughter says she want them to stop crying so much, but they like our house
-My son tells me of the angel who came to visit at night and how they talked for hours and now he had the angel and other voices living with him in his head....he spent years on anti-pshycotics, still struggles
-My husband of three years (who'd never hurt anyone) threatens his bosses life over nothing and lost his job......threatens the kids etc etc (we're no longer married because of these events)
- We heard someone run across our roof and jump onto our lawn but when we got to the window to see no-one was there
- The dogs began whining and hiding at odd times for no apparent reason

I could go on but I've spent years trying to rebuild from that period, and forgiving myself for opening a door to allow EVIL into my home....never again......!!!

It could all be circumstance....but how come everything was normal until the week I played the game.......
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