THAT freaked me out

I never believed in anything like this. However.....

Last Spring, I was working to get a quilt finished late one night in the living room where my Mom's ashes are kept. (she died in June 2002)
I was exhausted and I was doing some hand sewing on the binding on the quilt. When I thought I was too tired to go on, I felt a warmth from behind me and as I watched my fingers working, they turned into my Mom's hands, with her soft skin and well kept fingernails. Those fingers helped me finish that quilt. I could feel her and smell her scent that she used. I started to freak out, but something calmed me. No voices, just the warmth of Mom holding me and helping me like she did when she first taught me to sew.
When I was first getting into Wicca, the only things available were dark magick...I never got heavy into it, but still have plenty of bad Karma to work through...

Jeni, those things can happen...especially if you act like it's a isn't...

Hope, welcome and I'm glad your friend had that encounter.

Wiccan's don't believe in Satan(which just means "Adversary" in Hebrew) but there is evil out there...and if you look long and hard enough you can find it...

I have my crystals and Tarot cards, and such like...anything by LaVey or Crowley makes my skin crawl...

Terrie, that's an awesome story...Our loved ones can come back and communicate with us. It's usually when we're almost asleep and our mental defences are down...
My mother will be gone 10 years next July, and I still talk to her.
My Aunt swears that it was my mother that helped her pull into the church parking lot when she had her stroke.

Just out of curiosity, where was this former brothel? My great aunt had brothels in Provo and Ogden.

Terrie that is a truly awesome thing that happened to you. What a beautiful tribute to your own life from your mother. You have been very blessed to feel a loved one that close after they've passed.

I have a best friend who passed in my early twenties and I still am able hang out with him when I dream. We look and act the same but when we speak to each other our mouths don't move??? I pray sometimes to be able to have my loved ones visit in dreams and when they can I feel very blessed.

I never thought this thread would turn out so cool.
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I swear we have ghosts in our house too. Not anything really creepy. I noticed something was strange after my twin sons were born. They would look up and the ceiling at odd times and start smiling and laughing, this is when they were just starting to giggle. The other times I feel like there is something going on is in the middle of the night both of my sons (they are almost two) will wake up at the exact same time screaming like they are scared to death. At first I thought it was my cat going in there and jumping on their beds but it happens almost every night so a couple of nights ago I kept the cat in the room with me. They still woke up. The only other thing is last week one of them was sitting on my lap while I was at the computer and he was looking also when he suddenly turned his head to the door and waved. Maybe it is just two year olds being wierd I don't know but I just wish they would sleep through the night!! Rumor has it that a child was buried somewhere on our property but I don't know when or where.
Little kids and pets can pick up on energies that we can't. When I do an investigation, I watch the pets and take pictures of whatever they seem interested in. I've gotten some neat results. Why not contact a paranormal group in your area and see if there's something going on?

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