That's a Strange Place to Lay an Egg


7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
My Leghorns LOVE to find new nesting spots. Some make sense, and others... well, don't.

I usually keep my hens in their run, and they've been just fine with that given the current winter weather conditions. But yesterday morning, one of my Leghorn hens was REALLY wanting to get out of the run. She didn't even want to eat and kept pacing going back and forth along the fence line. So, I caved and let her out.

First thing she does is run to the garage. At this point I leave, figuring that she was probably going to lay an egg somewhere and that I'd put her back in the run after she was done.

Well, I come back, and this is where she decided to lay her egg...


Well, now I know she really is a little nuts lol 😂

Feel free to share any stories / images of strange or weird places your hens have laid an egg
My Leghorns LOVE to find new nesting spots. Some make sense, and others... well, don't.

I usually keep my hens in their run, and they've been just fine with that given the current winter weather conditions. But yesterday morning, one of my Leghorn hens was REALLY wanting to get out of the run. She didn't even want to eat and kept pacing going back and forth along the fence line. So, I caved and let her out.

First thing she does is run to the garage. At this point I leave, figuring that she was probably going to lay an egg somewhere and that I'd put her back in the run after she was done.

Well, I come back, and this is where she decided to lay her egg...

Well, now I know she really is a little nuts lol 😂

Feel free to share any stories / images of strange or weird places your hens have laid an egg
One of my new layers one year, laid her egg in the kiddie pool.
I have a White Leghorn who was my most consistent producer, until a period of about 10 days where I suddenly was getting nothing from her. I later discovered that, unbeknownst to me, she was hopping over the backyard fence (I free range my chickens), sneaking out to my hay barn and laying on top of the numerous round bales I had out there. I learned this when I went out there and found at least 9 white eggs laying broken on the gravel that makes up the floor of the barn. It turns out that a round bale of hay that sits on it's side...rounded part up...isn't the most stable place to lay another rounded object, like an egg.

A wing-clipping and much squawking followed.
One of my new layers one year, laid her egg in the kiddie pool.
Well, I guess it does have a sort of round shape, but still 😂

I had a muck bucket in the barn and had thrown some scrap barbed wire in it. Imagine my surprise when I found 3 eggs laid (very carefully I'm sure) in the center of the ring of barbed wire... 😂 My first thought was "well that's hardcore...."
Wow. Perhaps she thought that would be a good place to keep the predators away. Still, kind of dangerous lol 😂

I have a White Leghorn who was my most consistent producer, until a period of about 10 days where I suddenly was getting nothing from her. I later discovered that, unbeknownst to me, she was hopping over the backyard fence (I free range my chickens), sneaking out to my hay barn and laying on top of the numerous round bales I had out there. I learned this when I went out there and found at least 9 white eggs laying broken on the gravel that makes up the floor of the barn. It turns out that a round bale of hay that sits on it's side...rounded part up...isn't the most stable place to lay another rounded object, like an egg.

A wing-clipping and much squawking followed.
Yes, I find that when my Leghorns "aren't laying", there's usually a secret nest involved. You'd think she would learn after the first egg or two though that it wasn't the smartest choice of a nest lol 😂
My Leghorns LOVE to find new nesting spots. Some make sense, and others... well, don't.

I usually keep my hens in their run, and they've been just fine with that given the current winter weather conditions. But yesterday morning, one of my Leghorn hens was REALLY wanting to get out of the run. She didn't even want to eat and kept pacing going back and forth along the fence line. So, I caved and let her out.

First thing she does is run to the garage. At this point I leave, figuring that she was probably going to lay an egg somewhere and that I'd put her back in the run after she was done.

Well, I come back, and this is where she decided to lay her egg...

Well, now I know she really is a little nuts lol 😂

Feel free to share any stories / images of strange or weird places your hens have laid an egg
Hahahaha thats a very strange place in deed!

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