Thats it I have had it.

This is the *people* door we're talking about?

Cut the bottom 12-16" off, straight across. Probably your lowest hinge is above this level so it should leave the door unaffected. Then take the bottom part you cut off and reinstall it with bolts or screws. You will have to step over it every time you enter/leave the coop, but shavings will not pile up against it (or anyhow not very much).

If you don't ever need to get a wheelbarrow in, or are willing to hike it up over top (you can use boards or piled bricks to help), you can reinstall that lower part (now a very tall threshold rather than the bottom of the door) in a permanent way using screws into two longer pieces of 2x4 run horizontally on the inside.

Or if you may a few times a year wish to get a tractor in and wanna have the threshold piece removeable for that, use a similar arrangement but make the necessary connections with bolts and wingnuts. Just make sure you've set it up so it's strong enough to resist dogs etc.

My pens (entry from an aisleway inside the building) are set up like that, and it is VERY handy.

Just a thought,

Just asked hubby the other day to nail a retaining board inside the coop door. Put this under ' things I should have predicted would happen'.

Poor chickies are misunderstood. Buy a tarp for the vehicles, to keep the peace!
I can now see why chickens end up on the dinner table.

I opened the barn door today and there was 3 of them sitting on the seat of the snowmobile, like they were going for some imaginary ride. Then there was the 4 walking around on my work bench trying to figure out how to get the screwdrivers off the rack.
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I'll bet the four on the bench were looking for something to use to hotwire the snowmoblie! Lucky you caught them in time!

Here's a pic of my door solution. The thin piece of plywood stands between two small blocks of wood on each end. It can then slide up to remove it when i clean the coop out.

Yes...brillant ideas. My DH put the human door on so that opens INSIDE!
So I open the door after I shove all the bedding (they have scratched up against the door) out of the way while trying to keep the girls from bounding out the door and climbing UP into the coop door because my steps have not been built yet.

Silly birds...they take interest in driving things...when we were moving, my Light Brahma escaped from her crate and was sitting on the steering wheel of my van while the SLW was running around the peddles. I am telling you they were up to something!
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I have an 8 inch high board across the bottom of the doorway but they still manage to clear that board with the shavings. I'm telling you they are just messing with me.

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