The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I don't deny that it's real, but I don't think that COVID-19 warrants precautions that seem more suited to controlling an Ebola outbreak. It's killed people, yes, but it isn't killing one in every twenty people or anything like that.
As for the death count, one must also remember that the USA was -- for a time, at least -- counting many deaths that occurred in people who tested positive as COVID-19 deaths. Car crashes, accidents, utterly unrelated causes of death -- all counted as COVID-19 deaths because the victim tested positive.
Not trying to minimize or brush off the horrible losses of loved ones that some people have had to deal with -- I feel awful for you, and I pray that you are comforted -- but I think that COVID-19 has been blown rather out of proportion.

If you want to take the vaccine, fine -- take it. It's your right to take the vaccine if you want, but I like to believe that I have a right to refuse the vaccine on accounts of: it having not been tested for very long compared to other vaccines; having had a sibling made sick, exhausted, and generally miserable for something around a week after the second shot; and, in some vaccines, moral and religious opinions.
YES! Thank you so much for your input, this is exactly what I think too! :goodpost:
Here is my point of view:
Covid was made by humans, because if it happened naturally it wouldn't spread so far and fast. It isn't a pandemic. People die more from cancer, accidents, etc. than from covid.

It spread far and fast, but it isn't a pandemic?
pan·dem·ic : (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world.

If it happened naturally it wouldn't spread far and fast?
The 1918 pandemic spread surprisingly quickly, reaching London by June of 1918- just weeks after the presumed start of the pandemic (April 1918). Further historical evidence suggests the pandemic reached Sierra Leone through British warships by August 1918, and Nigeria and Kenya by September.
The one-child policy has had three important consequences for China'
- it reduced the fertility rate considerably
-it skewed China's gender ratio because people preferred to abort or abandon their female babies
-resulted in a labor shortage

Even after the one-child policy was rescinded, China’s birth and fertility rates remained low, leaving the country with a population that was aging too rapidly as well as a shrinking workforce.

China didn't start Covid to reduce their population.
Well I was thinking more the elders who were only a drain on physical and political resources.

But whatever, that was my thinking
Well I was thinking more the elders who were only a drain on physical and political resources.

But whatever, that was my thinking
Ok no problem, that's fair.
IMO thinking that China would start a pandemic to kill off their elderly people is to not know China. Honestly, they wouldn't do it any more than we would.
Same. My mom has a mask that had a cartton plague doctor playing with a rat 😍

This was my entry for our town's annual Halloween Scarecrow Contest:


  • 2020-10-11 10.53.41.jpg
    2020-10-11 10.53.41.jpg
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Again, might just be me being misinformed, but I thought that COVID-19 is a type of flu?

What do you think that the motive behind this is?

Could you link me some of that stuff? The internet often turns into an echo chamber of what we've looked at before, so I think that I may have a difficult time finding it.

(May 2021) According to a study conducted by the CDC in Kansas, following Gov. Laura Kelly's July mask mandate on a county-by-county basis, the 24 counties with mandatory mask mandates saw an overall decrease in COVID-19 cases, while the 81 counties that opted out of the mask mandate continued to see increases in cases. Similarly, research conducted by Vanderbilt University's Department of Health Policy in October found that COVID-19 death tolls were twice as high in Tennessee counties without mask mandates as compared to counties with directives in place. Gov. Bill Lee has not initiated a mask mandate in the state, deferring to local leaders.
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