The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I got my first dose a week ago. :)
I was a touch nervous, (someone I know had bad side affect, but they’re all good now and it’s much better than getting COVID!)

My family has asthma as well so I think it’s important to get vaccinated. I didn’t have any side effects besides a sore arm!

I really encourage everyone to get it, but then, I’m not going to judge people who don’t get it either!

And to those who don’t believe, there is a bad virus going on, and thousands have died from it. :(

But that being said, I respect everyone’s opinion, and themselves, even if I don’t 100% agree. :)

But I’ll stop now as politics are against BYC rules.
I got my first dose a week ago. :)
I was a touch nervous, (someone I know had bad side affect, but they’re all good now and it’s much better than getting COVID!)

My family has asthma as well so I think it’s important to get vaccinated. I didn’t have any side effects besides a sore arm!

I really encourage everyone to get it, but then, I’m not going to judge people who don’t get it either!

And to those who don’t believe, there is a bad virus going on, and thousands have died from it. :(

But that being said, I respect everyone’s opinion, and themselves, even if I don’t 100% agree. :)

But I’ll stop now as politics are against BYC rules.

I am so happy for you! Covid vaxx dance! :wee
How do you know it came from a lab, as opposed to naturally mutating? Is there any evidence to support that?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause illness in animals or humans. In humans there are several known coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections. These coronaviruses range from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and COVID-19. Like SARS CoV that was first identified in 2002, and MERS which was identified in 2012, Covid-19 is a type of coronavirus that mutated to be able to be able to be transmitted from animals to humans. This important shift makes it a novel, or new, type of Coronavirus that humans hadn't been infected with and therefore had no immunity to. THAT, and its high level of transmissability, made it so easy to spread from person to person, since our immune systems didn't recognize it once Covid-19 was first identified in December 2019. The fact that this Coronavirus resulted in more severe illness was what made the pandemic so devastating.

Think back to 2009 and the H1N1 pandemic. This was also a novel virus. It was also easily spread, although not to the level that Covid-19 is. BUT H1N1 was nowhere close to having the mortality rate that Covid-19 has, which has been the other biggest factor in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hope that helps! I'm in public health and lead our Covid-19 vaccination initiative so am pretty into the why and how of the pandemic as well as the pros and cons of getting vaccinated 🤣😉
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause illness in animals or humans. In humans there are several known coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections. These coronaviruses range from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and COVID-19. Like SARS CoV that was first identified in 2002, and MERS which was identified in 2012, Covid-19 is a type of coronavirus that mutated to be able to be able to be transmitted from animals to humans. This important shift makes it a novel, or new, type of Coronavirus that humans hadn't been infected with and therefore had no immunity to. THAT, and its high level of transmissability, made it so easy to spread from person to person, since our immune systems didn't recognize it once Covid-19 was first identified in December 2019. The fact that this Coronavirus resulted in more severe illness was what made the pandemic so devastating.

Think back to 2009 and the H1N1 pandemic. This was also a novel virus. It was also easily spread, although not to the level that Covid-19 is. BUT H1N1 was nowhere close to having the mortality rate that Covid-19 has, which has been the other biggest factor in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hope that helps! I'm in public health and lead our Covid-19 vaccination initiative so am pretty into the why and how of the pandemic as well as the pros and cons of getting vaccinated 🤣😉

Cons are?
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