The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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These are the same people that think Ketamine is a better option than morphine for a hip replacement.
It is comparable for the actual surgery. And better for pain management. It has no potential for physical addiction and a low propensity for abuse. The exact opposite of morphine. Vets use it on almost all other mammals constantly. Problem is some people can't handle the profound mental side effects of ketamine. It is a lot easier to hide in the warm blanket of opiates until you wake up one day and your prescription is up and you are physically dependant. It is common knowledge that over prescribing of opiates has been a humongous contributor to the current heroin problem in America. Ketamine may offer some relief from that situation. What is bad about it?
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I haven't gotten the vaccine yet, kinda wanna wait a little if I do get it for side affects to show up, etc. I don't think the pandemic is fake, but the CDC said that getting the vaccine doesn't keep someone from spreading it, so, I'm not worried about getting covid myself, and if the vaccine doesn't help, and I might get sick from it, I'm not sure I wanna get it. I haven't decided yet. I am praying for all the families affected by it!
I completely understand. The government hasn't done a great job in helping us understand the ramifications and your doubts are justified.. Just be aware that if you get the shot and you do get Covid-19, you will likely survive it and your symptoms would be less severe.
My daughter got the first shot and it impacted her asthma, so now she has to wait before getting her second shot. But she will get the 2nd shot, because if she gets Covid-19, her chances of having to be on a respirator are greater.
It was never isolated.
Faulty PCR test. High cycle threshold = false positive.
CDC will no longer count infections in vaccinated people unless hospitalized or died.
By definition it is not a vaccine. It is gene therapy.
Germ theory V. terrain theory.
It is under EUA. AKA, experimental.

No, I will not get it.
Inaccurate - "Gene therapy involves altering the genes inside your body's cells in an effort to treat or stop disease." (

MRNA vaccines teach your immune system how to fight a pathogen. They do not alter your DNA.
Wow, this thread started yesterday and already 35 pages! Have not read all 35 pages. I'm fully vaccinated. Did not go out much until I was. Got Covid anyway, my very social adult GirlChild probably brought it home. Was sick virtually all of January (digestive, not respiratory). ER twice, hospitalized two nights, thoroughly miserable. Don't want to get it again. 67 at the time, weak immune system. Still nervous about being out in public without a mask. I'm a long way from being back to "normal." I'm traumatized.
Wow, this thread started yesterday and already 35 pages! Have not read all 35 pages. I'm fully vaccinated. Did not go out much until I was. Got Covid anyway, my very social adult GirlChild probably brought it home. Was sick virtually all of January (digestive, not respiratory). ER twice, hospitalized two nights, thoroughly miserable. Don't want to get it again. 67 at the time, weak immune system. Still nervous about being out in public without a mask. I'm a long way from being back to "normal." I'm traumatized.

Sorry that you got covid, yay for vaccinations! Covid vaxx dance! :wee
Cons are?
Cons to getting vaccinated against COVID-19? Contracting the virus, spreading the virus, severe illness or death (of either for you, a loved one, familymember, coworker, stranger). Bothersome side effects (body aches, fever, nausea, injection-site discomfort, chills) for 24-48 hours post injection, rare but possible allergic/anaphylactic reaction (same as with any vaccination), with J&J 7ppl:8 million chance of thrombosis (although no baseline occurrence rate for general population is available).
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