The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Cons to getting vaccinated against COVID-19? Contracting the virus, spreading the virus, severe illness or death (of either for you, a loved one, familymember, coworker, stranger). Bothersome side effects (body aches, fever, nausea, injection-site discomfort, chills) for 24-48 hours post injection, rare but possible allergic/anaphylactic reaction (same as with any vaccination), with J&J 7ppl:8 million chance of thrombosis (although no baseline occurrence rate for general population is available).

Good list. Thank you :)

only reasons I've heard so far in this thread where underwhelming.
Yeah, I totally agree. I'm a serious Christian, and those kind of people really bug me.
Yes this is what is frustrating... That many of us are willing to get the vaccine because we know that the more people who get it, the better the chance of eradicating it.
Yet while we are willing to do it for the common good, many of the people we hope to protect, will not do it themselves.
Getting the shot does NOT put you at risk of getting the virus or "spreading the virus, severe illness or death (of either for you, a loved one, familymember, coworker, stranger"

Exactly the opposite is true! Getting the vaccine PREVENTS those possibilities! GET THE SHOT! SAVE LIVES!
Yes, why do people think that?
Getting a measles shot doesn't give you the measles.
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that can cause illness in animals or humans. In humans there are several known coronaviruses that cause respiratory infections. These coronaviruses range from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and COVID-19. Like SARS CoV that was first identified in 2002, and MERS which was identified in 2012, Covid-19 is a type of coronavirus that mutated to be able to be able to be transmitted from animals to humans. This important shift makes it a novel, or new, type of Coronavirus that humans hadn't been infected with and therefore had no immunity to. THAT, and its high level of transmissability, made it so easy to spread from person to person, since our immune systems didn't recognize it once Covid-19 was first identified in December 2019. The fact that this Coronavirus resulted in more severe illness was what made the pandemic so devastating.

Think back to 2009 and the H1N1 pandemic. This was also a novel virus. It was also easily spread, although not to the level that Covid-19 is. BUT H1N1 was nowhere close to having the mortality rate that Covid-19 has, which has been the other biggest factor in the Covid-19 pandemic.

Hope that helps! I'm in public health and lead our Covid-19 vaccination initiative so am pretty into the why and how of the pandemic as well as the pros and cons of getting vaccinated 🤣😉
RNA viruses evolve more quickly than their DNA counterparts.
Good list. Thank you :)

only reasons I've heard so far in this thread where underwhelming.
Thank you!! I honestly am open to any arguments for not getting vaccinated and definitely feel that it is a personal choice. However, hearing reasons that have been debunked by science I feel obligated to give accurate info!

Take care,
Thank you!! I honestly am open to any arguments for not getting vaccinated and definitely feel that it is a personal choice. However, hearing reasons that have been debunked by science I feel obligated to give accurate info!

Take care,
How does getting the vaccine put you and your loved ones at risk of death? as stated here?

Cons to getting vaccinated against COVID-19? Contracting the virus, spreading the virus, severe illness or death (of either for you, a loved one, familymember, coworker, stranger).
its mostly a joke.

I think its a little bit odd, that most of the people here are Christians here, right?

I know its their "job" or whatever, but why do they ALWAYS give unsolicited "advice" in form of scriptures?

and why do they get mad at atheists? Love thy neighbor or whatever, you're supposed to be kind!

As long as you are a good person, I do NOT care what you believe in. As an atheist I don't go around trying to tell you about how its so great, so it slightly annoys me when somebody does it to me.
Ok, a lot of people on here are Christian (including myself!)

But that’s because Christianity had the most amount of followers.

I really hope any time I have quoted scripture has not bothered you. I try and spread Christianity as much as I can (that’s kind of one of the jobs, IMO, as a Christian)
However, I try my best to respect others opinions/beliefs even if I don’t agree.

I hope you don’t view me as shoving scriptures in your face. Yes, I have stuff in my signature about Jesus, and yes, I do talk about God quite a bit (like I’m doing now) and I am part of the prayer thread, but I hope you understand why I am doing this.

Anyways, I’m sorry people give “unsolicited” advice, and I hope I haven’t done that too much. Normally, if I know I’m bothering someone with what I’m doing, I will stop, but I won’t stop believing in Jesus and doing my job as a Christian. But I do think that people (including myself) need to respect and leave atheists who do understand alone.

You can’t convert someone by pushing it.

Sorry a this ramble, I’ll stop now, (I don’t want to get in trouble) but what I’m trying to say is I respect different opinions.
Ok, a lot of people on here are Christian (including myself!)

But that’s because Christianity had the most amount of followers.

I really hope any time I have quoted scripture has not bothered you. I try and spread Christianity as much as I can (that’s kind of one of the jobs, IMO, as a Christian)
However, I try my best to respect others opinions/beliefs even if I don’t agree.

I hope you don’t view me as shoving scriptures in your face. Yes, I have stuff in my signature about Jesus, and yes, I do talk about God quite a bit (like I’m doing now) and I am part of the prayer thread, but I hope you understand why I am doing this.

Anyways, I’m sorry people give “unsolicited” advice, and I hope I haven’t done that too much. Normally, if I know I’m bothering someone with what I’m doing, I will stop, but I won’t stop believing in Jesus and doing my job as a Christian. But I do think that people (including myself) need to respect and leave atheists who do understand alone.

You can’t convert someone by pushing it.

Sorry a this ramble, I’ll stop now, (I don’t want to get in trouble) but what I’m trying to say is I respect different opinions.

I have no problem with most of the people here. It just really bothers me if I say I'm having a hard time and somebody quotes a scripture. I don't believe in that stuff, so its not helpful to me, y'know? I know its helpful for you and your friends, so do it all you want. Nobody has done it to me here *yet* but it happens a lot and its just a tad bothersome.

and you are exactly right, you cannot convert somebody by pushing it. All you end up doing is pushing them away

I respect you and your religion, as long as you respect me and my lack of one
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