The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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We have actually lost members here. I mean, people have died. I thought I was going to die. Over half a million people have died just here in America from this. I have relatives in the health care industry. They've kept me informed and it breaks my heart. My son, whose gf works in an ER, has been quarantined for two weeks at a time at least 4 times that I know of because she was exposed to Covid patients. It's real, all right. Another relative is a surgeon and she was quarantined for months and could not see her small children. But she did it to care for the sick. A friend of mine was in a nursing home; they had many deaths from Covid there. I KNOW this is real!
So I think covid is a thing, just like how the flu is a thing. What I think should have happened from the start is instead of shutting down and mandating 'masks' (which don't help anyways imo), everything should have remained opened, full capacity and OPTIONAL masks. The flu still kills more people every year than covid, but people never freaked out about that. Employers and schools still expected everyone to show up or have a doctors note. I don't know about you guys, but I don't go to the doctor when I get sick. I stay in bed and take some cold/flu medicine. So why has covid scared everyone? I think it has more to do with the media coverage on it. Every week there is an announcement from our governors. I think because of all the attention it has gotten, it made people fearful. Another thing that I think scared everyone is that its a 'new' virus. Do we know the long term effects of having covid? Maybe, maybe not. But do we know the long term effects on anything? I mean you see on the television that medications that have been around for decades are now the cause of deaths. Its just something that happens.

Yes its sad that people died from covid, but people still die from anything else. Accidents, cancer, viruses, bacterial infections. I am a firm believer that what is meant to happen will. Did I ever expect to get covid? No. Was I afraid to go places or touch a shopping cart? Also no.

Due to state mandate, I had to wear a mask to 'stop the spread' but I still got covid. Maybe my symptoms would be considered mild, but I would take getting sick with covid than getting sick with the flu. When I had covid, I was in bed for 3 days. My fourth day I was out doing yard work and such. But when I get sick with the flu, I am sick in bed for a week minimum.

As for the vaccine. I don't even get my flu shot, so why would I get this? They are advertising these vaccines as some sort of mircale vaccine. The 'cure' to covid. I don't get my flu shot, why would I get this? Not only would I have to get it yearly because they don't know how long the anitbodies actually last, buy it was also a rushed vaccine. We dont really know the short term effects of it and we definitely do not know the long term effects. It is not FDA approved (its only approved for emergency use). Sure our health care professionals may strongly recommed you get it, but they would also prescribe cigarettes for illnesses too. Now look, 20 years after they had done that, we found out the long term effects of smoking cigarettes. For all the people saying that the virus has killed people. Yeah it has, but car accidents still kill people. Are we going to start madating that people don't drive? Only a certain group can? We can all eliminate deaths via car accidents if we give up our license to drive.

But whats the point of living if youre scared to live??

So if you wanna wear a mask, then so be it. If you wanna get a vaccine then thats on you. But I don't think there should be arguments because someone decided to not wear a mask, gloves or they took an 'unsanitized' shopping cart. I don't think having a 'vaccine passport' is just. I don't think those who decide to get the vaccine should look down on the others who decided not to get it.

TL;DR: You want it? Get it but don't yell at other people for not wearing a mask or not getting the vaccine. And definitely stop trying to guilt trip others by saying people are dying.
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