The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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IMHO, its wrong that people have a choice especially if they don’t distance and risk other people’s life. If everyone was vaccinated, we could stop the spreading to the future. Just like ‘we’ did with Polio.
Oh dear :)
Sorry, but this is America. Land of the free. If you dont like it, you can move somewhere else where the government makes all the choices for you. Where you have no say in what you can or cannot do.
I am not putting anyone's lives at risk. If someone else chooses to go outside, live their life, without a vaccine, that is their choice. If you are so scared, you can stay home. Order your groceries, wear a mask, social distance, get vaccinated. That is your choice.

Can't you understand? Those who are scared will take all the precautions and won't get sick, don't you believe that your little mask and vaccine is going to protect you?
Those who don't will be "risking" themselves and no one else. And you know what? We aren't going to get sick and die.
If you are a healthy person you will be fine. Even plenty of older people, or people with health issues have made it through covid.
This whole thing is ridiculous.

My body my choice 😘
Just because you wear a mask to try and prevent getting it doesn't mean you won't get it. If someone who doesn't wear a mask happens to have it and is close enough to give it to you, you have a chance of getting infected - whether you "chose to protect yourself" or not. That's one of the reasons some of us are very upset when people choose not to wear masks. Because they're showing that they don't care about potentially hurting others.
Just because you wear a mask to try and prevent getting it doesn't mean you won't get it. If someone who doesn't wear a mask happens to have it and is close enough to give it to you, you have a chance of getting infected - whether you "chose to protect yourself" or not. That's one of the reasons some of us are very upset when people choose not to wear masks. Because they're showing that they don't care about potentially hurting others.
So does the mask work or not?
What about the vaccine?
Does these only "work" is everyone has it?
Because in that case, it's never going to work.

Places with no mask mandate have less covid cases. I'll let you do your own research
Another thing, I don't know who in their right mind is going out while knowingly having covid.
You would stay at home and treat yourself until you were better.

Unless you have it without the symptoms. In that case, it is extremely unlikely that it would transfer to someone else.

You can read the articles yourself, I'm not here to do everything for y'all.
I've already said, y'all can do your own research. I don't have the time to dig up all the links 🙄🤚
Sorry but all my research completely contradicts your statements. You are citing nothing but your opinion, not facts. Did you take any biology or microbiology classes to understand the basics of human immunology?
So does the mask work or not?
What about the vaccine?
Does these only "work" is everyone has it?
Because in that case, it's never going to work.

Places with no mask mandate have less covid cases. I'll let you do your own research
The mask only helps. It is an aid. It is not a 100% protection.
The vaccine doesn't prevent the spread or you getting it. It enables your body to have a better chance of handling it if you do get infected.
I do my own research, as do many people. But from taking a statistics class, I realized most people don't know how to properly do their own research. I won't cover everything that is important, but most people don't know what a "proper" study is. Most people don't look to see the potential ulterior motives that a "study" could be hiding. Studies are funded. But who funds those can be very important as things can be skewed to how they want.
Also, what they pull from and what methods they use are important as well. Is the study made in such a way to reduce bias as much as possible? If it's a poll, do they mention which demographics and such they pulled from instead of just saying "All/Most women prefer X Product" it should really say something more along the lines of "Of City X, and of the individuals we polled, there was a higher probably that women would choose Product X over Product Y"
Obviously, this doesn't cover everything, but I hope it gets my point across.
IMHO, its wrong that people have a choice especially if they don’t distance and risk other people’s life. If everyone was vaccinated, we could stop the spreading to the future. Just like ‘we’ did with Polio.
I'm with you on it being wiser to get the vaccine, if for no other reason than that the long term effects of getting the actual covid virus are much more dangerous than a possible allergic reaction to a vaccine or rare complications (as is a small risk with almost any vaccine).

I am definitely not for mandatory vaccination of Covid though. This idea of it being like polio is misleading.

Covid, like the flu and other coronaviruses, is fast mutating and no amount of mandatory vaccination could have prevented that as multiple strains had already been identified by summer of 2020. Meaning that they had been developing months prior.

Polio, on the other hand, is not a fast mutating virus. In fact it has hardly changed at all since its discovery. That's why we were almost able to wipe it out with vaccination. Only in the past few years or so have we started seeing polio cases on the rise again for the first time in decades, largely due to the anti-vax movement and people not getting their kids vaccinated. Arguable ethics aside, the danger of not vaccinating for slow-adapting things like mumps and polio is that it offers these diseases a chance to regain a foothold and continue to try and adapt, thus potentially rendering the vaccine ineffective to future generations.

If anyone would like some easily accessible information on vaccines presented in a fun (and respectful) way, here is a comic-style article released years before the pandemic to dispel a variety of vaccine myths:

Just wanted to clarify that point about covid and polio not being equal in the world of viruses. Have a nice day all. *steps back out of the thread*
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