The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I am not Christian and it's really irritating how many folks have no clue what I am talking about when I mention my religion. I pray to "the Father," they pray to "the Son."
I am a Christian and also pray to the Father in the name of the Son, as the Son taught us to do. I am always puzzled when people pray to God and then say "in Your Name." I figure God sorts it all out and understands, knowing He is too big for our feeble minds to comprehend.
I am really against getting it, beacause I watched a tik took of it making skin magnetic
I realised that no one actually explained to you how it worked. If you take a fridge magnet and lick it, your saliva makes it stick to the oils on your skin. Also, most people who were making those tiktok’s thought it was a meme/joke, they never meant for it to be taken seriously.
So the flu was down but COVID was unaffected? How does that make sense? If the flu was not only not flat but on the decline (to the tune of 95% from 2019 to 2020) why did we have COVID spikes? And don’t suggest the transmission probability. If the flu can’t get you at six feet apart with a mask, neither can COVID. The truth is that they counted the positive flu test results and deaths as COVID. The CDC posted it on their website - PIC - pneumonia, influenza, COVID. But people have to read to know...they can’t just ingest the sensational media nonsense.

The only blame the government has is their obsession to treat everything with big pharma. COVID is a virus that is harmless to the vast majority (think statistics here). But those who it affects the worst had three + major health issues, and the majority of those were lifestyle related. The good ole American sedentary lifestyle. The government could have used this as an opportunity to educate the lazy masses on the importance of diet, exercise, vitamins, sunlight...but instead they pushed big pharma. And to make it worse, companies offered things like free doughnuts and junk food as “rewards” for vaccination. We just can’t get out of our way....
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