The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I had to laugh because who is fact checking the fact checkers? Anyone who claims to be the authority on absolute truth is to be questioned. Moreover, Reuters is a propaganda outlet like all other mainstream news.

I also find it rather perplexing that as recently as 1 1/2 years ago, natural immunity was a thing. It was understood that if you got chicken pox, for example, you wouldn’t get chicken pox again. Now apparently, I need an injection to be considered immune by the medical establishment. I eat healthy, exercise, take herbals and never get sick but apparently, people like me are the dangerous ones and need to be masked up forever. Meanwhile, the obese person in the checkout aisle with junk food in their cart and multiple underlying health conditions is all of a sudden healthy and can take off their face diaper because they got the jab. The thing is though, COVID has variants so every time a new variant comes out, you need to get jabbed again. What a great business model for the pharmaceutical industry. They will never have to worry about making money again. All that needs to be done is the gov’t collects the tax money from us, gives it to big pharma for experimental gene therapy and big pharma pays off the medical institutions who then tout the jab as FREE...SAFE...100% EFFECTIVE...whatever that means. Meanwhile, medical professionals like Dr. Mercola are threatened to take down any information pertaining to natural preventives like Vitamin D and Zinc to maintain immunity. Why do they need to silence people interested in spreading information about prevention? Are they really concerned about our health? If they are, why are they offering free donuts to the vaccinated and all kinds of ridiculous lures like lottery tickets for getting jabbed?

This is not to ruffle any feathers but to possibly save a life. The vaccine hijacks your immune system and can cause a hyper immune reaction when in contact with a variant, possibly resulting in death. It produces spike proteins that cause blood clots. Please do your research before buying into the 24/7 fear mongering we’ve been subjected to for the last 1 1/2 years. Visit if you’re interested in finding out just how dangerous this vaccine is.
It was understood that if you got chicken pox, for example, you wouldn’t get chicken pox again.
Thought I’d quickly say that this is actually false. You get chicken pox once, you get painful red spots. You get chicken pox a second time you break out in extremely painful blisters. One of my friends had it a second time and said it was like your skin was burning of your body.

Also, the pharmaceutical companies aren’t profiting off a free vaccine. The only way they are profiting in most places is by the government buying they’re vaccine.
I had to laugh because who is fact checking the fact checkers? Anyone who claims to be the authority on absolute truth is to be questioned. Moreover, Reuters is a propaganda outlet like all other mainstream news.
Did you even read it?
I also find it rather perplexing that as recently as 1 1/2 years ago, natural immunity was a thing.
It is a thing, but vaccination is a much less risky way of acquiring immunity.
It was never marketed as being 100% effective.
Meanwhile, medical professionals like Dr. Mercola are threatened to take down any information pertaining to natural preventives like Vitamin D and Zinc to maintain immunity.
It's well-established that vitamins and a number of trace elements are needed for health, but there's also a lot of pseudoscience out there pertaining to supplements.
The vaccine hijacks your immune system and can cause a hyper immune reaction when in contact with a variant, possibly resulting in death.
It produces spike proteins that cause blood clots.
The coronavirus obviously also produces spike proteins, many more than are produced when one is vaccinated. I'm interested in seeing the evidence suggesting that the spike is responsible for blood clotting, if there even is any.
Thought I’d quickly say that this is actually false. You get chicken pox once, you get painful red spots. You get chicken pox a second time you break out in extremely painful blisters. One of my friends had it a second time and said it was like your skin was burning of your body.

Also, the pharmaceutical companies aren’t profiting off a free vaccine. The only way they are profiting in most places is by the government buying they’re vaccine.
I and everyone I know who got chicken pox never got it again but if your friend got it, then perhaps there are some who do. I just never met them. But the point I was trying to make is immunity can be arrived at not only by a vaccine but through contracting an illness. If I want to possibly get ill so my body builds a natural defense against a pathogen, that’s my choice. If someone else wants to get vaccinated instead, that’s their choice too. But nobody should be telling people that they need to be jabbed in order to take off their masks or work in a company. But this is exactly what they’re starting to do. This is segregationist and medical fascism.

As for free, there is nothing in life that is free. Somebody pays for it. In this case, it’s tax payers that are giving the money to the gov’t to pay off big pharma as I stated. So yes, big pharma is profiting. Big pharma doesn’t develop vaccines just because they’re such altruistic people who care. Look at their scandalous track record. Look at the possible side effects portion of any pharmaceutical drug insert. I know numerous people who take pharmaceutical drugs who get bad side effects. One of them is convinced he got cancer because of a drug. So no, I don’t trust them.
All of you who are saying natural immunity *for covid* is better than vaccines, please provide a credible source for that information. Additionally, please be sure to address the issue of variants and your natural immunity's ability to fight the variants of covid that are out there and are still emerging (and will be for, probably, years).

Natural immunity works well for viruses that have been circulating in humanity for a long time. Not so much for entirely new viruses. Even if you've recovered from covid, the amount of antibodies each person's immune system produces is variable and may nor may not be sufficient to fight off variants. The vaccines are formulated to provide the right amount of antibodies for every person who gets the jab. That's why *for covid* vaccines are better than natural immunity.
But nobody should be telling people that they need to be jabbed in order to take off their masks or work in a company. But this is exactly what they’re starting to do. This is segregationist and medical fascism.
Is it "medical fascism" for universities to require vaccines for meningitis for all students living in the dorms?

Is it "medical fascism" for public schools to require vaccines for students attending school?

Is it "medical fascism" for hospitals to require surgeons to wash their hands and wear PPE before cutting someone open?

Is it "medical fascism" to require food service workers to wear gloves while preparing food for others?

Edited to add: not to mention that if it's a company that is requiring it, that's not fascism, that's capitalism.
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I and everyone I know who got chicken pox never got it again but if your friend got it, then perhaps there are some who do. I just never met them. But the point I was trying to make is immunity can be arrived at not only by a vaccine but through contracting an illness. If I want to possibly get ill so my body builds a natural defense against a pathogen, that’s my choice. If someone else wants to get vaccinated instead, that’s their choice too. But nobody should be telling people that they need to be jabbed in order to take off their masks or work in a company. But this is exactly what they’re starting to do. This is segregationist and medical fascism.

As for free, there is nothing in life that is free. Somebody pays for it. In this case, it’s tax payers that are giving the money to the gov’t to pay off big pharma as I stated. So yes, big pharma is profiting. Big pharma doesn’t develop vaccines just because they’re such altruistic people who care. Look at their scandalous track record. Look at the possible side effects portion of any pharmaceutical drug insert. I know numerous people who take pharmaceutical drugs who get bad side effects. One of them is convinced he got cancer because of a drug. So no, I don’t trust them.
I completely respect your opinion. Not everyone has to see eye to eye on everything.
Did you even read it?

It is a thing, but vaccination is a much less risky way of acquiring immunity.

It was never marketed as being 100% effective.

It's well-established that vitamins and a number of trace elements are needed for health, but there's also a lot of pseudoscience out there pertaining to supplements.


The coronavirus obviously also produces spike proteins, many more than are produced when one is vaccinated. I'm interested in seeing the evidence suggesting that the spike is responsible for blood clotting, if there even is any.
Yes, I read what you posted and again, who is fact checking the fact checkers? I trust VAERS more than Reuters based on the propaganda Reuters regularly publishes.

It’s not pseudoscience that if you eat vitamin and mineral rich food, you will be healthy. I’m not a pill popper but I do take my vitamin D and Vitamin C liposomal as a preventive. There is a direct link between those who had a high mortality rate from COVID and vitamin D deficiency. Nature provides all you need and our ancestors always understood that but in the last century, we have forgotten that and are less healthy than ever. So to rectify it, we take OTC drugs and get jabbed.

I provided a link to to get more info about the vaccine but I doubt you looked at it. There’s interviews on there with Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, among others, who talk about the spike proteins but here’s a link I found elsewhere:
Yes, I read what you posted and again, who is fact checking the fact checkers? I trust VAERS more than Reuters based on the propaganda Reuters regularly publishes.
Really, though? Do you know that VAERS is raw, unverified data? Anyone can submit a form saying anything on there and it is never checked or verified. A journalist submitted a VAERS form that a vaccine caused him to turn into The Hulk, and it was accepted and included amongst the stats.

At least make sure you understand fully the sources that you "trust".
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Is it "medical fascism" for universities to require vaccines for meningitis for all students living in the dorms?

Is it "medical fascism" for public schools to require vaccines for students attending school?

Is it "medical fascism" for hospitals to require surgeons to wash their hands and wear PPE before cutting someone open?

Is it "medical fascism" to require food service workers to wear gloves while preparing food for others?

Edited to add: not to mention that if it's a company that is requiring it, that's not fascism, that's capitalism.
Yes, universities and schools requiring vaxing is medical fascism, in my opinion. Forcing someone to get injected violates one’s rights to their own bodies and their religious freedoms. Washing hands is not the same thing in the sense that it doesn’t alter my biology and has always been common sense prior to COVID. Service worker glove wearing is just to make people feel good about the glove wearer. Gloves can carry germs, too, or are they somehow germ proof? Mask wearing, before COVID, was standard for surgeons so that they wouldn’t infect someone’s open wounds on the operating table. They would wear masks for short periods and change them out often because they would get contaminated. But we and small children are forced to wear a filthy mask for several hours straight to “stop the spread,” a pseudoscientific practice that is simply offering people a false sense of security.

Fascism is when the gov’t controls the corporations, which they are today. So I guess it’s capitalism too if I’m an employer and I don’t want to employ anyone who got the COVID jab or would that be then considered discrimination?
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