The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Yes, universities and schools requiring vaxing is medical fascism, in my opinion. Forcing someone to get injected violates one’s rights to their own bodies and their religious freedoms. Washing hands is not the same thing in the sense that it doesn’t alter my biology and has always been common sense prior to COVID. Service worker glove wearing is just to make people feel good about the glove wearer. Gloves can carry germs, too, or are they somehow germ proof? Mask wearing, before COVID, was standard for surgeons so that they wouldn’t infect someone’s open wounds on the operating table. They would wear masks for short periods and change them out often because they would get contaminated. But we and small children are forced to wear a filthy mask for several hours straight to “stop the spread,” a pseudoscientific practice that is simply offering people a false sense of security.

Fascism is when the gov’t controls the corporations, which they are today. So I guess it’s capitalism too if I’m an employer and I don’t want to employ anyone who got the COVID jab or would that be then considered discrimination?
"Forcing someone to get injected violates one’s rights to their own bodies and their religious freedoms." Religious exemptions allowed, of course. Otherwise, if students don't want to be vaccinated, they are not "forced", they can simply choose to live off campus or go to another school.

" So I guess it’s capitalism too if I’m an employer and I don’t want to employ anyone who got the COVID jab or would that be then considered discrimination?" Not in my opinion. They are free to do that, as far as I'm concerned but I will not enter their facilities if their employees are deliberately and outspokenly unvaxed because I do not wish to unnecessarily be exposed to variants or other viruses. That's how capitalism works. Businesses need to make good choices that inspire trust in their customers, otherwise, they make poor choices and their businesses suffer.
I wonder which is “dirtier”—a pillow you’ve drooled on every night for a year or a mask after one day’s wear? No one is being forced to wear dirty masks! Plus, you can wash it! And surgeons change masks often bc they stand directly over OPEN bodies—sometimes for hours! It’s not really a fair comparison for proper mask etiquette/procedure.
Really, though? Do you know that VAERS is raw, unverified data? Anyone can submit a form saying anything on there and it is never checked or verified. A journalist submitted a VAERS form that a vaccine caused him to turn into The Hulk, and it was accepted and included amongst the stats.

At least make sure you understand fully the sources that you "trust".
Right on the VAERS website, it states that it is co-managed by the CDC and FDA. If you don’t trust them, then I can understand why you don’t trust VAERS. But I choose to trust it more than big pharma based on track record of the latter.

I also heard of numerous cases of people dying of things like gun shots, car accidents and various underlying health conditions being put down as COVID deaths because the hospitals were being monetarily incentivized to increase the COVID death count. Anybody can make up information if they choose at any institution. I could complain about chicken feed and get a refund because I just want a free bag of feed. Does that mean the feed manufacturer is somehow selling a horrible product? Of course not. But when it’s systemic and has a long money trail behind it, it’s more untrustworthy to me.
Right on the VAERS website, it states that it is co-managed by the CDC and FDA. If you don’t trust them, then I can understand why you don’t trust VAERS. But I choose to trust it more than big pharma based on track record of the latter.
I do trust them. The VAERS isn't the only means by which they collect adverse effects of vaccines. The VAERS was designed specifically to accept unverified data because it is intended to serve as a 'canary in a coal mine' type of scenario. So, if a vaccine is suddenly having the same effect on many people at the same time, it will show up on VAERS and they can quickly mobilize to contain the flaw and mitigate the impacts.

The VAERS is intended to be just the way it is, and is for a good purpose. But, like any mechanism, it can be abused or misinterpreted.
I wonder which is “dirtier”—a pillow you’ve drooled on every night for a year or a mask after one day’s wear? No one is being forced to wear dirty masks! Plus, you can wash it! And surgeons change masks often bc they stand directly over OPEN bodies—sometimes for hours! It’s not really a fair comparison for proper mask etiquette/procedure.
Last I checked, most people change out pillowcases regularly. Am I missing something! A pillow isn’t placed directly over your face, obstructing your breathing and capturing the bacteria from your mouth and those from other people. That’s why they kept telling us not to fidget with the masks and touch our faces. They collect germs. Besides, I can smoke a cigarette, put on my mask, and the smoke will come out from all sides of my mask. How is this protecting anyone?
Last I checked, most people change out pillowcases regularly.
Do you honestly believe people only have one mask and wear it constantly without ever washing it?! Everyone I know has 4 or 5 masks and washes them frequently. And/or uses the disposable kind.

As for air getting through the mask, of course! Nobody would wear a mask if they couldn't breathe through it FFS. That's why it is in combination with social distancing, hand washing, and avoiding crowds. All of those in combination is what reduces the spread; not any one of them by itself.
Last I checked, most people change out pillowcases regularly. Am I missing something! A pillow isn’t placed directly over your face, obstructing your breathing and capturing the bacteria from your mouth and those from other people. That’s why they kept telling us not to fidget with the masks and touch our faces. They collect germs. Besides, I can smoke a cigarette, put on my mask, and the smoke will come out from all sides of my mask. How is this protecting anyone?
Well, with the smoke experiment I would say that at least you proved that masks ARE effective in blocking the smoke from passing through. If it has to find another course of escape, it can’t get through. And what that can do at least is change the direction so whoever you are talking to won’t be sprayed in the face. And pillow cases are a wonderful way to prevent dirt and solids from getting onto your pillow, but over time, it won’t stop the damp sweat of the first nights of summer or our hot breaths snoring away into it night after night. Bacterial nirvana. People go years w/out replacing pillows or cleaning their couches but act like the idea of wearing a mask that you can very easily clean OR change is completely outrageous. Yes a dirty mask can pose risks to your health. I feel sad for anyone without the resources to get clean masks (or those with medical reasons who cannot use this proven effective risk reducer) , not so much for those who refuse to wash or change theirs though.
Well, with the smoke experiment I would say that at least you proved that masks ARE effective in blocking the smoke from passing through. If it has to find another course of escape, it can’t get through. And what that can do at least is change the direction so whoever you are talking to won’t be sprayed in the face. And pillow cases are a wonderful way to prevent dirt and solids from getting onto your pillow, but over time, it won’t stop the damp sweat of the first nights of summer or our hot breaths snoring away into it night after night. Bacterial nirvana. People go years w/out replacing pillows or cleaning their couches but act like the idea of wearing a mask that you can very easily clean OR change is completely outrageous. Yes a dirty mask can pose risks to your health. I feel sad for anyone without the resources to get clean masks (or those with medical reasons who cannot use this proven effective risk reducer) , not so much for those who refuse to wash or change theirs though.
The thing is nobody is forcing you to change out your pillow due to it possibly harboring germs. You are free to but I’m not going to police your pillow use. However, they are forcing us to wear masks and soon, get vaccinated. That’s the difference. There are masks that let smoke out from the sides and some right through the front. I found this chicken guy on YouTube and he did an experiment with 3 types of masks and they all let the smoke out.

But if you want to wear a mask, social distance and generally avoid humankind for as long as it takes until you feel safe, that’s your prerogative. However, for those of us who don’t live in fear of a virus with a 99.7% survival rate, we don’t want to be forced to abide by these measures we deem ineffective and oppressive. I read lips when people talk and it’s hard to understand them with a mask on. I enjoy people and children’s smiles. I enjoy hugs and talking to others up close. I know, I’m crazy! It’s dehumanizing to deny people of all these things and it is having a detrimental effect on the elderly and children. Children are suffering because they are being deprived of normal social interaction and their childhood even though they have virtually no risk of dying from COVID because, you know, Johnny might kill grandma. Poor Johnny, he might turn out to be a murderer if he doesn’t wear his mask! Meanwhile, I see adults not wearing masks but their kids are. What are the parents thinking? It’s mind boggling.
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