The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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This is not to ruffle any feathers but to possibly save a life. The vaccine hijacks your immune system and can cause a hyper immune reaction when in contact with a variant, possibly resulting in death. It produces spike proteins that cause blood clots. Please do your research before buying into the 24/7 fear mongering we’ve been subjected to for the last 1 1/2 years. Visit if you’re interested in finding out just how dangerous this vaccine is.

for those of us who don’t live in fear

It’s mind boggling.
Yes, yes it is.
vaccine fear.png
The thing is nobody is forcing you to change out your pillow due to it possibly harboring germs. You are free to but I’m not going to police your pillow use. However, they are forcing us to wear masks and soon, get vaccinated. That’s the difference. There are masks that let smoke out from the sides and some right through the front. I found this chicken guy on YouTube and he did an experiment with 3 types of masks and they all let the smoke out.

But if you want to wear a mask, social distance and generally avoid humankind for as long as it takes until you feel safe, that’s your prerogative. However, for those of us who don’t live in fear of a virus with a 99.7% survival rate, we don’t want to be forced to abide by these measures we deem ineffective and oppressive. I read lips when people talk and it’s hard to understand them with a mask on. I enjoy people and children’s smiles. I enjoy hugs and talking to others up close. I know, I’m crazy! It’s dehumanizing to deny people of all these things and it is having a detrimental effect on the elderly and children. Children are suffering because they are being deprived of normal social interaction and their childhood even though they have virtually no risk of dying from COVID because, you know, Johnny might kill grandma. Poor Johnny, he might turn out to be a murderer if he doesn’t wear his mask! Meanwhile, I see adults not wearing masks but their kids are. What are the parents thinking? It’s mind boggling.
Have you sneezed with a mask on? I have... lotta stuff on the inside of that mask. Seems like it keeps some of the stuff that is not in the form of gas or vapor in! And if you tell your child something traumatic (like you’re a murderer!), that’s no good. Maybe a discussion regarding the nature of personal and social responsibility would be more effective?

I don’t like wearing a mask either. Few do. Not trying to force you change your pillow or mask. Just pointing out that both objects spend a lot of time near our faces. They are personal, long use items that we rarely clean or worry about cleanliness beyond the surface.
The problem with that is the death toll was inflated for covid and the death toll for the vaccination will be covered up.
Okay, let's assume there is some truth to what you're saying. Let's double the rate of vaccine risk and halve that of covid risk.

2 X 0 = 0 or even 2 X .0018% = .0036% Still zero
1/2 of 1% is .5% or half of the US death rate of 600,000 is 300,000

Which risk is greater?

Do governments lie to people? Yes, they certainly do. That's nothing new; it's just the way politics are.
And those vaccines cause HORRIBLE side effects including killing millions of infants worldwide but they call it’s “SIDS” or “not the vaccines fault” 🤦🏼‍♀️
i honestly can’t believe some people are getting a vaccine that was developed so quickly. Other vaccines have taken 10-15 years to develop, yet people are begging to get this vaccine that was developed so fast 🤦‍♀️
What’s funny is I’m such an anti-vaxxer yet I went and got the vaccine as did my husband.

My 16 month old has had 0 vaccines and was a home birth and I don’t ever plan to vaccinate her however that’s a whole different tangent to argue a different day.

Since the covid vaccine is a mRNA vaccine I was less stressed about getting it vs all other vaccines on the market. I’m a SAHM and my husband works a job where he’s mostly alone but we went and became vaccinated to protect our daughter and family memebers that are heavily at risk of death. We also live in a town where we have no friends and our family wouldn’t allow us to see them because of their high risk level.
My husband and I made a suicide pact since there is little testing on breastfeeding mothers I feared harming our child the most. I told him if it harmed our child (death) i would just kill myself and my sweet husband said he’d follow us right to the after life. 💕 lol

I’m less worried about spreading it and more concerned about getting back to normal life where I can let my child be a child around other kids and not worry about covid 🙄
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