The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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That sounds like speculation rather than an evidence-based conclusion.
The fact that vaccine companies cannot be held liable for a product they made is a red flag alone.
The fact that they can say a baby “just died from unknown causes” is a red flag.
The fact that they inject minute old babies with 0 immunities with multiple known carcinogens is a red flag.
And those vaccines cause HORRIBLE side effects including killing millions of infants worldwide but they call it’s “SIDS” or “not the vaccines fault” 🤦🏼‍♀️
The only articles I could find about infants dying because of a vaccine was two baby’s in the 1939s dying right after receiving they’re vaccines. SIDS is normally caused by an underlying disease. Most infants die of SIDS before they even get they’re first vaccine.

If you don’t want to vaccinate your kid, then don’t. Just please don’t spread information that isn’t necessarily true :)
That is what I think.

I really don't want to get into an argument, so if that is anyone's intention, you can go to twitter. Plenty of people that have the energy for that, unlike me.

Anyways, yes, I think it's been blown way out of proportion.
People who have gotten it and died would have likely died from a flu, due to underlying health issues and/or age.
I have gotten covid. Yes, it sucked. It was awful. I hate being sick. But I got through it just fine, and so did my grandparents.
My 70 year old grandparents got it and lived.
This is not some deadly plague like the media is making it out to be.
It is a way of controlling people. Fear is the best way to control people. Especially when you provide the "safety". Then you can make people do whatever you want to get some of that "safety". You gain more power. And with that power you can control people much easier, you can make them believe whatever you want them to believe.

Listen, I haven't even been wearing a mask for over 6 months now. I've been out and about living my life as best I can.
I am not sick, and I have not gotten sick since not wearing a mask.

You may argue that I'm spreading it to people that could die from it. First off, the people who are high risk and/or scared are vaccinated, staying home, social distancing, and wearing masks. While I think most of those things are useless, it's still not killing them.
Look at states that have no mask mandate. The death rates are actaully going down (if you would actaully look at reliable sources you would know that).

Look! Covid isn't killing off our population!
If you don't believe me you can go do your own research, just don't drag me into an argument.
If you have a question I'll be glad to answer to the best of my abilities.
So you saying covid is the government creating Stockholm Syndrome?
The only articles I could find about infants dying because of a vaccine was two baby’s in the 1939s dying right after receiving they’re vaccines. SIDS is normally caused by an underlying disease. Most infants die of SIDS before they even get they’re first vaccine.

If you don’t want to vaccinate your kid, then don’t. Just please don’t spread information that isn’t necessarily true :)
*sigh* You won’t find articles on babies dying from vaccines online because they cannot blame vaccines. That’s why the vaccine companies cannot be held liable for what happens. If they can’t be held liable or sued then you won’t find information stating so. I have read hundreds of reports on VAERS of infants dying the same day as vaccines not prior to vaccines. Your google searches will not tell you of vaccine related deaths. It’s not misinformation.
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