The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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*sigh* You won’t find articles on babies dying from vaccines online because they cannot blame vaccines. That’s why the vaccine companies cannot be held liable for what happens. If they can’t be held liable or sued then you won’t find information stating so. I have read hundreds of reports on VAERS of infants dying the same day as vaccines not prior to vaccines. Your google searches will not tell you of vaccine related deaths. It’s not misinformation.
Could you provide me with a link to where you read your stuff? Or where did you find this information? I’m interested in reading about it.
Could you provide me with a link to where you read your stuff? Or where did you find this information? I’m interested in reading about it.
It’s honestly difficult as all heck to work the VAERS website. However you can find a ton of information presented on it if you want to work through all the fields.

The information submitted is considered “unverified” but if you read through the information provided most if not all are provided by hospital staff or coroner’s.
The problem with that is the death toll was inflated for covid and the death toll for the vaccination will be covered up.

I'm not anti-vax.
I am just anti being lied to and I guarantee you we have been still are and will continue to be.
Death toll for any vaccine is covered up. That’s why vaccine companies “cannot be held liable”
It’s honestly difficult as all heck to work the VAERS website. However you can find a ton of information presented on it if you want to work through all the fields.

The information submitted is considered “unverified” but if you read through the information provided most if not all are provided by hospital staff or coroner’s.
Thank you for sharing it. Even though I’m not sure if I agree, it was still very interesting to read :)
SIDS is a real thing, not something caused by vaccines. It's just like in every other animal species, sometimes things just aren't right and a baby dies

It's absolutely heartbreaking to lose a child to SIDS, especially because there isn't just an answer to explain why it happened every time.

If you don't want to vaccinate, don't. I'm not either. But don't say it's what causes SIDS either
Have you sneezed with a mask on? I have... lotta stuff on the inside of that mask. Seems like it keeps some of the stuff that is not in the form of gas or vapor in! And if you tell your child something traumatic (like you’re a murderer!), that’s no good. Maybe a discussion regarding the nature of personal and social responsibility would be more effective?

I don’t like wearing a mask either. Few do. Not trying to force you change your pillow or mask. Just pointing out that both objects spend a lot of time near our faces. They are personal, long use items that we rarely clean or worry about cleanliness beyond the surface.

Truthfully, I don’t think it’s a child’s social responsibility to wear a mask. No child should have to wear a mask to accommodate the adults around them. I feel that’s rather selfish since adults have already had a chance to live their lives. Masks were traditionally worn by slaves. My kids are not slaves. Young children communicate through body language and putting a mask on them inhibits that. My kids don’t wear masks except on rare occasions and then, they’re mesh so very breathable. But mask mandates have been lifted in my state for indoor spaces...for now.
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