The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Remember at the start of the pandemic when everyone thought the Covid virus was mainly transmitted by surfaces/ touching things? And people were sanitizing their groceries and mail and packages and wearing gloves at the grocery store? I remember that. Masks are ineffective in that context.

And then more data about transmission became available and the scientists realized this virus is transmitted mostly through the air. At that point, it was discovered that masks are one of the tools that can reduce the spread. Are they 100% effective? Of course not! Is anything?

Masks are better than nothing at stopping exhalation droplets from spreading outward toward other people. That’s why they help. They don’t filter out the virus; everyone knows that. But they reduce the opportunity for droplets to carry the virus toward those around us.
I've skipped the dozens of pages that have sprung up since I last posted on this thread because they're probably mostly arguing.

My second vaccine is tomorrow!
Ya, they are mostly arguing. I think one person posted about how they’re 14 year old got their first does, then the rest is just arguing. Also congratulations! 🥳
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