The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I'm contemplating on getting mine. I'm not a believer in getting a flu shot every year, but I also know Covid is bad and still here. My dad is in the hospital right now and has been in the hospital for 8 days on oxygen. Covid made him develop pneumonia as well. He is now getting the vaccine after being against them at first. We live in different states (I live in Arkansas and he in Texas) so I won't be in contact with him for at least a few more months/weeks. I just feel so bad for everyone that is affected by it and luckily my father is slowly recovering and trying to get sent home on oxygen (the doctor won't even let him leave because his oxygen levels won't rise above 80-85 without the oxygen).
My grandfather even got the shot after being against it because the effect it is having on everyone including my dad. A few weeks ago I think my husband and I got it because we had family from Missouri come down here and they tested positive a week before, we both ran fevers, couldn't breathe, and felt horrible for at least a week! But we didn't get tested (I've gotten tested before but I absolutely hate the test so I try not to get tested again if I can...)
I'm just worried about the side effects of the vaccination because I get extremely ill with a flu shot and I've heard conflicting arguments on both sides for so long! My mother is a nurse (she is divorced from my dad) and is STRONGLY against the vaccination, so it's hard to decide when I have a nurse mother that is very against it and thinks it is going to hurt a lot of people and then have a dad that was on the edge of dying when he was first admitted to the hospital because of covid. Ugh!! It's gotten so political that it's so hard to decide. But I don't care what side you're on, it's starting to get worse in my opinion and I really can't decide on what I want to do! 😔

Sorry for the long post, I just like hearing both sides and would love to hear what y'all think! I'm not biased so whether you get the vaccine or not, it should be your own choice.
That's very odd that a nurse would say not to get it.
I'll let you know my husband's and my experience with the vaccine. He has a compromised immune system. So when he's gotten the flu shot before it has affected him for awhile. When he got the Covid vaccine (he got the Johnson & Johnson because of scheduling issues), he was quite ill for a day (I don't remember if it was the same day or next day). We run a game shop (non electronics) and he spent most of the day in the back. He felt better the day after, but not to 100%. After that he was good.
I've gotten both shots of Pfizer. My arm was sore both times, I might've been slightly tired on one of those days (but I also woke up before 5am and couldn't go back to sleep lol).
I will say, they mention that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting it so be careful who you hang out with without masks. But I hear it does give you a better chance of dealing with it. With the new Delta variant around, I believe I read that some of the vaccines are effective in dealing with it.
Hope this helps :)
That's very odd that a nurse would say not to get it.
I'll let you know my husband's and my experience with the vaccine. He has a compromised immune system. So when he's gotten the flu shot before it has affected him for awhile. When he got the Covid vaccine (he got the Johnson & Johnson because of scheduling issues), he was quite ill for a day (I don't remember if it was the same day or next day). We run a game shop (non electronics) and he spent most of the day in the back. He felt better the day after, but not to 100%. After that he was good.
I've gotten both shots of Pfizer. My arm was sore both times, I might've been slightly tired on one of those days (but I also woke up before 5am and couldn't go back to sleep lol).
I will say, they mention that the vaccine doesn't prevent you from getting it so be careful who you hang out with without masks. But I hear it does give you a better chance of dealing with it. With the new Delta variant around, I believe I read that some of the vaccines are effective in dealing with it.
Hope this helps :)
Thank you for the advice!
Yeah i found this
@Tclloyd0812 I would get it. I am not quite sure why you’re mother who is a nurse would be against the vaccine, especially when Dr. Fauci is pushing to get everyone vaccinated. I have only had one case in my family where someone was advised not to get the second vaccine. Other than that one time, I always say better safe than sorry.
I appreciate the advice! I don't know about my mom's opinion either... it's really political more than factual if you ask me... I like hearing from both sides. I definitely am considering the vaccination 😊
I'm contemplating on getting mine. I'm not a believer in getting a flu shot every year, but I also know Covid is bad and still here. My dad is in the hospital right now and has been in the hospital for 8 days on oxygen. Covid made him develop pneumonia as well. He is now getting the vaccine after being against them at first. We live in different states (I live in Arkansas and he in Texas) so I won't be in contact with him for at least a few more months/weeks. I just feel so bad for everyone that is affected by it and luckily my father is slowly recovering and trying to get sent home on oxygen (the doctor won't even let him leave because his oxygen levels won't rise above 80-85 without the oxygen).
My grandfather even got the shot after being against it because the effect it is having on everyone including my dad. A few weeks ago I think my husband and I got it because we had family from Missouri come down here and they tested positive a week before, we both ran fevers, couldn't breathe, and felt horrible for at least a week! But we didn't get tested (I've gotten tested before but I absolutely hate the test so I try not to get tested again if I can...)
I'm just worried about the side effects of the vaccination because I get extremely ill with a flu shot and I've heard conflicting arguments on both sides for so long! My mother is a nurse (she is divorced from my dad) and is STRONGLY against the vaccination, so it's hard to decide when I have a nurse mother that is very against it and thinks it is going to hurt a lot of people and then have a dad that was on the edge of dying when he was first admitted to the hospital because of covid. Ugh!! It's gotten so political that it's so hard to decide. But I don't care what side you're on, it's starting to get worse in my opinion and I really can't decide on what I want to do! 😔

Sorry for the long post, I just like hearing both sides and would love to hear what y'all think! I'm not biased so whether you get the vaccine or not, it should be your own choice.
I personally think I can get the vaccine and protect my community and those I love, or I can risk getting the virus and having long Covid. Most of the time unless you have other health conditions, or your health is already fairly poor the vaccine shouldn’t affect you very badly. I am a bit confused about why a nurse would say not to get the vaccine. You can do some research on which vaccine you think would be best for you to take. They are all slightly different.
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