The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Just received a phone call that one of my hospitalized friends just died after 5 weeks in the hospital. :( His only preexisting condition - he didn't get vaccinated. Such a loss. He was a good man, and this didn't have to be. A couple of weeks ago we attended an awards ceremony in the Pittsburgh area. Two of the attendees are presently hospitalized. Yep, they were unvaccinated.
Just received a phone call that one of my hospitalized friends just died after 5 weeks in the hospital. :( His only preexisting condition - he didn't get vaccinated. Such a loss. He was a good man, and this didn't have to be. A couple of weeks ago we attended an awards ceremony in the Pittsburgh area. Two of the attendees are presently hospitalized. Yep, they were unvaccinated.
So sorry.
Another thing to think about. If they can make money off of it why cure it!? people are greedier than you may think
Sure but that's true about everything having to do with health. And yet, vaccines have nearly eradicated a bunch of diseases and therefore, the profits associated with those illnesses have gone away. People can be greedy, but most are not evil.

Sorry for your loss, Sourland ...
Scientists love their families too, remember that. We are the ones producing these vaccines. Please just at least consider the sources of this information you are betting your lives on and the lives of those around you. there are now so many people "doing their own research" and ignoring people who do ACTUAL research. Science isn't negotiable, and doesn't care what you believe.
Why believe Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan over the advice of trained medical professionals? I will never understand people.
If you don't want the vaccine, great. But actively spreading false and misleading information from non peer-reviewed sources is basically criminal and literally kills people.
I don't know how anyone can look at the FACT that 750,000 + Americans have died from Covid and still maintain that it's a hoax and not that bad.
It's very frustrating to say the least. At this point, I really wish I could just leave the country, because if I could, I would definitely do just that. I feel like we are now broken beyond repair and should just split up.
The science denial is so frustrating. People have the absolute right to do with their bodies what they wish. I believe people who don't want to be vaccinated should not be forced to be vaccinated. This doesn't, however, remove the responsibility and consequences of those decisions--which, for the safety of society, might require people to have to find new jobs or leave school. You simply can't have your cake and eat it too. If you don't want to be (or can't be) vaccinated, then wear a mask--properly--at all times outside of your home. Submit to testing as required depending on what you're doing, and realize that some careers may no longer be an option for you.

There is a subreddit on reddit called the "Hermancainaward" that is pages upon pages of people who spouted the same talking points I'm seeing here about the vaccines being poison, and masks being about control, only for they themselves to succumb to covid. It's heartbreaking and at this point completely preventable. Just this week a local firefighter here--peak of life, in his 30's, died of covid leaving behind a wife and two kids under the age of 5. He thought even if he did catch covid, that it wouldn't be a big deal because it's not a risk to "people like him". That covid is only a risk to the old, the overweight, and the sickly.

This is not true.

Otherwise healthy people are continuing to die EVERY DAY of a disease that has multiple, free and accessible vaccines that although don't promise you 100% immunity, has largely shown to keep people out of the hospital should they become infected. I dare anyone to read through the heartbreak of those coming to terms that they will probably die in the hospital and never get to see their loved ones again, and the aftermath of loved ones reeling because they thought that they were "safe". The "gofundme" pleas for funeral and medical costs. See how many kids are left as orphans due to losing both of their parents.

It's everyone's right to have bodily autonomy, but please **please** don't make what could be deadly decisions based on false information.

Sincerely, Someone who works in medical research/healthcare.
I understand the perspective to choose not to get vaccinated if one is informed and fully understands the risks and benefits of their choice. What I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why people who choose to be unvaccinated try SO HARD to convince others to also be unvaccinated.

Don't you realize it is against your own self-interest as an unvaccinated person, to try to get more people to refuse the covid vaccine? The more people who are vaccinated against the virus, the safer YOU are! Why not live out your choice to be unvaccinated quietly, go on about your life, as opposed to getting on social media and spreading fear and doubt to others, resulting in fewer vaccinated people and more potential disease mutations and infections? Why?
I understand the perspective to choose not to get vaccinated if one is informed and fully understands the risks and benefits of their choice. What I DON'T UNDERSTAND is why people who choose to be unvaccinated try SO HARD to convince others to also be unvaccinated.

Don't you realize it is against your own self-interest as an unvaccinated person, to try to get more people to refuse the covid vaccine? The more people who are vaccinated against the virus, the safer YOU are! Why not live out your choice to be unvaccinated quietly, go on about your life, as opposed to getting on social media and spreading fear and doubt to others, resulting in fewer vaccinated people and more potential disease mutations and infections? Why?
Because people with no scientific or medical training believe other people also with no medical or scientific training. It's a curious phenomenon that will end up killing and hurting so many people when it's all over. It seems that people will believe literally anything if presented by the right people. There's even a faction of people who believe that JFK Junior will re-emerge from hiding to announce that Trump is president again. At first I thought it was a joke, but it's not. And I am not laughing anymore.
Truth and critical thought seemingly do not matter anymore. We live in a post-truth world. A local family to me lost their 47 year old son to Covid last week and are doubling down on spreading these lies. Their son is dead from this virus, yet they persist. There may be scientific explanations for this phenomenon, but I will still never understand it.
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