The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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The science denial is so frustrating. People have the absolute right to do with their bodies what they wish. I believe people who don't want to be vaccinated should not be forced to be vaccinated. This doesn't, however, remove the responsibility and consequences of those decisions--which, for the safety of society, might require people to have to find new jobs or leave school. You simply can't have your cake and eat it too.
Well said.
He thought even if he did catch covid, that it wouldn't be a big deal because it's not a risk to "people like him". That covid is only a risk to the old, the overweight, and the sickly.

This is not true.
Case in point. My friend had no pre existing conditions. His wife had multiple preexisting conditions. She was in the hospital for 2 days, released, and has no apparent long term problems. In reality this virus is frequently harder on those with extremely strong immune systems.
Sourland, just from your username, I can tell you are from my neck of the woods. I lived in Titusville for a very long time and had to move away, and I will never ever stop missing it. Please say hi to my homeland and tell it I miss it.
Just received a phone call that one of my hospitalized friends just died after 5 weeks in the hospital. :( His only preexisting condition - he didn't get vaccinated. Such a loss. He was a good man, and this didn't have to be. A couple of weeks ago we attended an awards ceremony in the Pittsburgh area. Two of the attendees are presently hospitalized. Yep, they were unvaccinated.
So sorry for your loss 😣
I got the vaccine because I didn't want to get COVID, and I really don't want to die yet. My grandma hasn't, and might not ever get the shot because she thinks she won't get COVID and for other reasons. She doesn't get the flu shot anymore because she says the one year she did, she was sick. But she didn't get the flu, just colds and stuff. My friend won't get it because she's worried it hasn't been tested enough. Her mom is a nurse, so I'm worried she'll get it. That's part of the reason I got the shot, to help protect the unvaccinated people in my life. I probably would have got it anyway, but still.
The only people that have done actual research on this thread are the 85 people who voted on the poll ‘No, Absolutely not’ on taking the vaccine.
Do you have a science degree? Do you have a formal education in epidemiology? Immunology? Medicine of any sort?
If not, you have not done "actual research". You've done a research paper.
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