The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I love how this thread has devolved into a lot of people sharing their conspiracy theories and telling people why they won't and shouldn't get the vaccine, despite the title: "The "I've got the Covid Shot club!"

I'm proudly vaccinated, and feel so much safer because of it. I don't waste my time being all suspicious and stuff. I just don't understand why people wouldn't get the vaccine, if it's gonna make life so much harder for them when they don't.

Good day. 👋
I love how this thread has devolved into a lot of people sharing their conspiracy theories and telling people why they won't and shouldn't get the vaccine, despite the title: "The "I've got the Covid Shot club!"

I'm proudly vaccinated, and feel so much safer because of it. I don't waste my time being all suspicious and stuff. I just don't understand why people wouldn't get the vaccine, if it's gonna make life so much harder for them when they don't.

Good day. 👋
I respect your opinion, even if I dont agree with it.
I do clinical research to develop drugs, and I can tell you that the vaccines went through exactly the same scrutiny for safety and efficacy as any other vaccine would. Resources were channeled from other projects due to the emergent need for a vaccine. Some vaccines did not pass safety and efficacy requirements set by the FDA. We all need to thank our lucky stars that someone found the spike protein for the antigen that the vaccines are based on, because it was a true needle in a haystack.
Sue, I want to thank you and your colleagues and all the scientific community for all that you do and have done toward combating the Covid virus. There is so much misinformation and political noise out there, and it is drowning out what we should be hearing, and that is this: because of people like you, THERE IS HOPE, and there IS A VACCINE against this deadly global virus that is killing virtually millions around the world. And without this vaccine ... Golly, I don't even want to speculate. Unfortunately, it has been politicized and even weaponized, so it isn't as effective as it could and should be - as effective as the polio and smallpox vaccines have been, for example, but that is certainly no fault of the scientists who worked so hard and diligently to bring it to the people in record time. So I just want to express my gratitude and appreciation to the scientific community for this amazing accomplishment. THANK YOU and God bless.
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