The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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how dare you?!

“my mom did research but you can’t have the links” is a completely credible source of information. totally beyond reproach.

What is sad is the amount of children blindly listening to their parents. I am a child myself, luckily raised by liberal parents.. I may be bias due to my upraising, but knowing what's right vs. wrong without your parents influence doesn't seem that hard...

What is sad is the amount of children blindly listening to their parents. I am a child myself, luckily raised by liberal parents.. I may be bias due to my upraising, but knowing what's right vs. wrong without your parents influence doesn't seem that hard...
Trains, are you and your family vaccinated?
I've had mine since august,

I go to school, I go to work, I go out in public. All wearing my mask.

I haven't gotten covid this entire time. staying home, staying safe, staying masked, and getting vaccinated.

I'm so grateful that myself, and my immediate family have stayed safe this entire time.

My grandpas passing was a true eye-opener and influenced us and our choices.

its not over, I don't know when it will be over, but I hope we can pull our heads out of our behinds and start making safer choices sooner rather than later so we can move past this pandemic.
Lucky. My second was just awful. I don’t know anyone who reacted like I did, or even at all.
My second shot knocked me down hard too. I hit me 12 hours after I got the shot almost to the minute. Woke up covered in sweat but chilled and so achy I felt like I'd been run over by a steam roller. I noticed the lymph nodes under the arm that had gotten the shot were swollen too. When I got up in the morning I drank about a quart of water and took some Tylenol. The worst of the reaction was over by 9 am and I just felt tired the rest of the day.

I and my DH are getting our boosters this Friday. He is of age and has dementia and cancer so he qualifies (and then some) in NYS. I don't really but they listed a pre-existing condition of having a BMI >25. If I drink enough water, I can pull that off! I had planned on getting them last Friday but a last minute schedule change kiboshed those plans.

I intend to take Tylenol immediately after getting the shot, pounding down 2 quarts of water throughout the rest of the day and keep the shoulder moving to prevent injection site pain to try to prevent another strong reaction. I hope that helps.
This is an actual thread on Reddit right now. I tried to block out the first word because it's not family friendly.

reddit thread.png

I find this sentence particularly compelling:
"I see the statistics and I know that almost everyone is okay after the vaccine. But my common sense is lacking."

Good for this person supporting their child and getting vaccinated for their sake.


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I intend to take Tylenol immediately after getting the shot, pounding down 2 quarts of water throughout the rest of the day and keep the shoulder moving to prevent injection site pain to try to prevent another strong reaction. I hope that helps.
i had the same experience with my second shot.

tylenol and water are good ideas, but neither will prevent a reaction if the booster triggers a strong immune response in your body.

if you just have some mild cold-like symptoms, water and tylenol will definitely help, though.
Good for this person supporting their child and getting vaccinated for their sake.
pretty powerful stuff.

my wife held off on getting vaccinated for a while because she wasn’t sure of the effects the vaccine would have on her breast feeding our 1 year old son.

we did a lot of research and spoke to our doctors and after finding out that not only is it safe, but that my son will gain passive immunity from her breast milk, she went and got vaccinated.
i had the same experience with my second shot.

tylenol and water are good ideas, but neither will prevent a reaction if the booster triggers a strong immune response in your body.

if you just have some mild cold-like symptoms, water and tylenol will definitely help, though.
I expect a reaction. I am just adding the extra water and Tylenol to mitigate an extreme reaction.
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