The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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This is an actual thread on Reddit right now. I tried to block out the first word because it's not family friendly.

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I find this sentence particularly compelling:
"I see the statistics and I know that almost everyone is okay after the vaccine. But my common sense is lacking."

Good for this person supporting their child and getting vaccinated for their sake.
I like that.

What is sad is the amount of children blindly listening to their parents. I am a child myself, luckily raised by liberal parents.. I may be bias due to my upraising, but knowing what's right vs. wrong without your parents influence doesn't seem that hard...
And the events of yesterday showed a lot for it. It really made me sad to read what some of younger generation is being brought up to learn regarding vaccines.
The worst side effect I had with 3 Pfizer shots was a sore arm for a day. DW had the same with her first 2 but had an odd redness and hot spot on her arm with her 3rd. It lasted several days. Nephew felt poorly for a day after his second one last March. Nothing as bad as that with any of the other relatives from 26 Y/O DD2 to 90+ Y/O parents.

DW has an autoimmune disease, she's been on immune suppressing drugs for over 20 years. It isn't known if the vaccines will give people like her any protection, too bad we can't glow in the dark for a day if it does ;) She is also a "front facing" essential worker. I'm a lot more concerned that some unvaccinated (and uncautious) person will give her Covid and kill her than I am concerned about the vaccine.

I hope less people get the flu, it would make sense since most people are wearing masks and stuff.
Yep, all the mask wearing last fall and winter pretty much stopped the annual flu. Even back before Delta I was planning to mask up in indoor spaces this fall and winter. Don't need the flu ;)

But what about respect for yourself... I'm not going to put something in me that might kill me for others.
441 MILLION doses of the vaccines available in the USA given, shouldn't there be a LOT of dead people?

How long have we known about cancer and we still can't find a cure for it? In my opinion, covid is just like the flu. Some people die from it, some barely even know they've got it and some are in between. It's that simple.
I don't know about Australia but a REALLY BAD flu season in the USA kills 60,000 people. Over 270 thousand have died from Covid. It isn't "just like the flu" and plenty of people who have gotten Covid and recovered will attest to that.

You're right. It's not a drug. I should not have used that word. It's a gene therapy that is altering your DNA. You know that, right?
Spreading lies doesn't make them the truth.

Why would they need to basically beg people to get the vaccine.....? Wouldn't people just get it if it was "that good"? Hm..... ;)
The vast majority of those who are vaccinated got the vaccine without an "enticement". Can't say I agree with "rewarding" people with lottery tickets, etc.

You don't see how bad it's getting. It gets swollen to the point where people cannot breathe.
Um, just how do swollen lymph nodes under your armpit make it difficult to breathe?

She recommended that her younger family members get the Pfizer and that older family should the J&J. She got the Pfizer. She thought one shot would be kinder than two for older folks. She previously worked with a team the lab that developed the Pfizer back when she was teaching at Yale. Said they were top notch in their field.
Very odd! Unless one's only concern (which pretty much has been the case) was with hospitalization and the morgue, J&J is a sad alsoran. Comparing 66% effective against getting a moderate to severe case is a whole lot different than 90+% effective against getting a symptomatic case. Everyone I'm related to got Pfizer, all the older (how old is older? ;) ) have had 3 shots now.

So are you basically saying it breaks down your immune system and rebuilds it because my sister is a nurse and thats how she explained it to us
What??? You might want to ask for a more better and more detailed explanation. The vaccines don't "break down" your immune system, they tell it what to look for, along with all the other things it already "knows" about.

He is of age and has dementia and cancer so he qualifies (and then some) in NYS. I don't really
I don't know about NYS but in VT people who are caregivers to compromised people are eligible at any age.
And the events of yesterday showed a lot for it. It really made me sad to read what some of younger generation is being brought up to learn regarding vaccines.
Didn't even read that bit. I haven't had time for this website at all with how busy I am. I just sorta jumped in. I do have strong feelings about children being allowed to form their own opinions , yet their opinions are strongly influenced by their parents.
As of November 9 2021, Over 223 million people in the United States have been vaccinated. We have lots of real-world evidence – in addition to clinical trial data – to indicate these vaccines are safe, and that adverse reactions to them are rare.
That's 223+ million people risking their lives, IMO.

"Lots of real world evidence" doesn't change the fact that I see what happens in the hospital and many people are not aware of it.
Again, you don't have to believe anything I say, but I hope that some people realize what is really happening.
That's 223+ million people risking their lives, IMO.

"Lots of real world evidence" doesn't change the fact that I see what happens in the hospital and many people are not aware of it.
Again, you don't have to believe anything I say, but I hope that some people realize what is really happening.
They are risking their lives by NOT getting vaccinated too. And to a much higher degree.
"Lots of real world evidence" doesn't change the fact that I see what happens in the hospital and many people are not aware of it.
Again, you don't have to believe anything I say, but I hope that some people realize what is really happening
real world evidence is literally how things are proven. it’s the currency that the entire world trades on. refusing to acknowledge it only leaves you out in the cold.

you’ve alluded to “what is really happening” several times now without providing any examples or proof of what’s going on. if you want people to believe you, you’re gonna need some of that real world evidence you hate so much.
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