The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Y'all please explain to me why everyone was thanking the medical practitioners for helping us get through this mess, and now thousands are getting fired because they choose to not inject the COVID vaccine into their bodies?? :th

Again, those that get vaccinated are the GUINEA PIGS in this governmental expiriment.

And when it comes to abortion, some say "My body, my choice".
What happened to "my body, my choice".
It's MY body, so why can't I choose whether to take the vaccine or not?
Mine and millions of others' jobs were threatened because of this vaccine.
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So, here is how I imagine evaluating the risks of getting a vaccine vs. not getting one.

Let's say you're about to get on an airplane with every seat sold out. As you are boarding the plane, and the door closes behind you, a security officer tells you that there is a sniper on the plane who intends to shoot as many people on the plane as he can. The security guard offers you a bullet-proof vest and says, "This vest will protect you from serious injury or death. You may still get shot by the sniper, but it won't hurt very much and you'll very likely be able to walk off this plane with your life."

Do you refuse the bullet-proof vest because it isn't 100% free of risk; and take your chances with the sniper, who will see you are vulnerable and will target you before the others?
And when it comes to abortion, some say "My body, my choice".
What happened to "my body, my choice".
It's MY body, so why can't I choose whether to take the vaccine or not?
Mine and millions of others' jobs were threatened because of this vaccine.
there’s a very important distinction between abortion and vaccines. an abortion affects two lives. not being vaccinated affects dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands depending on how many people you interact with.

your rights end at the very point they intersect with the rights of other people. choosing not to be vaccinated might feel like a personal choice but i can assure you it isn’t.
there’s a very important distinction between abortion and vaccines. an abortion affects two lives. not being vaccinated affects dozens, hundreds, perhaps thousands depending on how many people you interact with.

your rights end at the very point they intersect with the rights of other people. choosing not to be vaccinated might feel like a personal choice but i can assure you it isn’t.
I appreciate that you call a baby in the womb a "life", which, frankly, it IS! Some people are too blind to even call it a "life".

So what you're saying is that MURDERING A LIVE HUMAN BEING is OKAY, but refusing to take a vaccine (protecting yourself) is NOT OKAY?
So what you're saying is that MURDERING A LIVE HUMAN BEING is OKAY, but refusing to take a vaccine (protecting yourself) is NOT OKAY?
refusing to be vaccinated isn’t only protecting yourself. it’s protecting the people around you, the ones you love. it also protects your community.

can you please stop moving the goalposts just because you can’t land a point? i don’t thing the posts are even on the field anymore at this point
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