The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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Which bodes the question "Why are the anti-vaxers here in the first place?"
I feel it would be equally inappropriate for any of the atheists to hop on the "Jesus Prayer Warriors" thread telling them they are all wrong. Let them think what they want and stay out of it.
all the christians jumped onto the atheist thread and got us shut down. Shows what goes around here.
"Why are the anti-vaxers here in the first place?"
I'm not an anti-vaxer. I'm just protecting myself and my family by not taking the COVID vaccine.

And as to why Anti-covid vaccine people are here? because the poll had an option that said something like "Other. Elaborate below." I don't remember exactly, especially since the poll is now gone for some reason.
I'm not an anti-vaxer. I'm just protecting myself and my family by not taking the COVID vaccine.

And as to why Anti-covid vaccine people are here? because the poll had an option that said something like "Other. Elaborate below." I don't remember exactly, especially since the poll is now gone for some reason.
Well, damn! I think you've elaborated the crap out of your stance.
When is enough enough?
I'm not an anti-vaxer. I'm just protecting myself and my family by not taking the COVID vaccine.

And as to why Anti-covid vaccine people are here? because the poll had an option that said something like "Other. Elaborate below." I don't remember exactly, especially since the poll is now gone for some reason.
Okay, let's break this down for a minute. You said earlier that everyone who gets the covid vaccine is a "guinea pig for this government experiment". You say, above, that you are not anti-vax.

You realize that whenever a vaccine is developed for a disease that emerges requiring human immunity, the new vaccine for the new disease has to be tested, right? Some people have to have the courage, the patriotism, and the unselfish desire to help their community. So they agree to be part of the testing. That has happened with EVERY vaccine, including chicken pox, polio, etc.

So you are fine with people being guinea pigs for science and public health, as long as it's not YOU.

The covid vaccine has been out of the testing phase for a long time now. It is now PROVEN safe and effective. So people who are getting the covid vaccines now are not guinea pigs for the new vaccine, they are simply taking advantage of a proven health measure to protect themselves and others.
Okay, let's break this down for a minute. You said earlier that everyone who gets the covid vaccine is a "guinea pig for this government experiment". You say, above, that you are not anti-vax.

You realize that whenever a vaccine is developed for a disease that emerges requiring human immunity, the new vaccine for the new disease has to be tested, right? Some people have to have the courage, the patriotism, and the unselfish desire to help their community. So they agree to be part of the testing. That has happened with EVERY vaccine, including chicken pox, polio, etc.

So you are fine with people being guinea pigs for science and public health, as long as it's not YOU.

The covid vaccine has been out of the testing phase for a long time now. It is now PROVEN safe and effective. So people who are getting the covid vaccines now are not guinea pigs for the new vaccine, they are simply taking advantage of a proven health measure to protect themselves and others.
Please read my signature quote...
You are not going to "win".
Not trying to win. I am just fundamentally against idly sitting by while others promote ignorance and fear.
But it won't change anything.
It just gives them more opportunity to continue spewing forth the garbage. They will not be swayed by your replies any more than you will be swayed by theirs.
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