The ‘I’ve Got The COVID Shot Club’!

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I JUST found out that one of the staff at our school died last night from COVID. She'd been on a ventilator in the ICU for weeks. She was a huge part of our school family. She was also unvaccinated (not that that matters much to us or her biological family). Our school is devastated.
So sorry. :hugs
Are you blaming me for the crap others post on here? That's ridiculous. Everyone is responsible for their own actions.
Are you replying to me?! If you are, you are very much misinterpreting my post. I'm not blaming you for anything. Just pointing out that you are on a fruitless quest. That's all.
So, here is how I imagine evaluating the risks of getting a vaccine vs. not getting one.

Let's say you're about to get on an airplane with every seat sold out. As you are boarding the plane, and the door closes behind you, a security officer tells you that there is a sniper on the plane who intends to shoot as many people on the plane as he can. The security guard offers you a bullet-proof vest and says, "This vest will protect you from serious injury or death. You may still get shot by the sniper, but it won't hurt very much and you'll very likely be able to walk off this plane with your life."

Do you refuse the bullet-proof vest because it isn't 100% free of risk; and take your chances with the sniper, who will see you are vulnerable and will target you before the others?
I just wouldn't get on the plane, lol.

Try again.
Okay, let's break this down for a minute. You said earlier that everyone who gets the covid vaccine is a "guinea pig for this government experiment". You say, above, that you are not anti-vax.

You realize that whenever a vaccine is developed for a disease that emerges requiring human immunity, the new vaccine for the new disease has to be tested, right? Some people have to have the courage, the patriotism, and the unselfish desire to help their community. So they agree to be part of the testing. That has happened with EVERY vaccine, including chicken pox, polio, etc.

So you are fine with people being guinea pigs for science and public health, as long as it's not YOU.

The covid vaccine has been out of the testing phase for a long time now. It is now PROVEN safe and effective. So people who are getting the covid vaccines now are not guinea pigs for the new vaccine, they are simply taking advantage of a proven health measure to protect themselves and others.
You keep bringing other vaccines into this, but those arguments are irrelevant. The mRNA vaccines use new technology that has never been used before.
EVERY vaccine "has never been used before" when it first came out.

The first mRNA vaccines using mRNA technology were developed against the deadly Ebola virus in 2016, but since that virus is only found in a limited number of African countries, it had no commercial development in the U.S.

The first mRNA vacines for rabies were tested in humans in 2013.

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